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install nightly snapshot

Thomas edited this page Oct 7, 2015 · 1 revision

If you want to test or use the newest version, so feel free to use the development branch.

This is a short description how to remove old content and install the nightly version. Your last configuration in /usr/local/etc/DoorPi/conf/doorpi.ini will be untouched by this way, so you can start to test directly after installation.

Please pay attention, that this version is not allways stable and under development.

# sauberes uninstall / clean uninstall:
sudo pip uninstall doorpi & sudo pip2 uninstall doorpi

# Rest aufräumen, falls vorhanden / more clean up:
sudo rm /ec/init.d/doorpi & sudo rm -R /tmp/DoorPi

# alte Logs bereinigen / clean up old logfiles:
sudo rm /usr/local/etc/DoorPi/log/*log*

# development-Zweig ziehen / clone development branch:
git clone -b development /tmp/DoorPi
cd /tmp/DoorPi

# development-Version installieren / install development version:
sudo python install -f

# Daemon für Systemstart und -stop registrieren / register daemon file to system:
sudo update-rc.d doorpi defaults

# erster Start als Anwendung im testmodus (beendet sich nach 5 Sekunden selbst) / 
# first start in test mode (and stop itself after five seconds)
sudo /usr/local/bin/doorpi_cli --trace --test

# und dann ab als Daemon / and now as daemon:
sudo /etc/init.d/doorpi start