Nice and easy way to handle revisions of your db.
- Handles the revisions in bulk - one entry covers all the created/updated fields, what makes it really easy to eg. compare 2 given versions or get all the data changed during single action.
- This package requires PHP 5.4+
- Currently it works out of the box with Laravel5 + generic Illuminate Guard, tymon/jwt-auth OR cartalyst/sentry 2/sentinel 2
"require": {
"sofa/revisionable": "~5.2",
// for L5.1 use:
"sofa/revisionable": "~1.0@dev",
'providers' => array(
~$ php artisan vendor:publish [--provider="Sofa\Revisionable\Laravel\ServiceProvider"]
this will create config/sofa_revisionable.php
file, where you can adjust a few settings:
return [
| User provider (auth) implementation.
| By default Laravel generic Illuminate\Auth\Guard.
| Supported options:
| - illuminate
| - sentry
| - sentinel
| - jwt-auth
'userprovider' => 'illuminate',
| User field to be saved as the author of tracked action.
| By default:
| - id for illuminate
| - login field (email) for sentry/sentinel
| - id or ANY field in User model for tymon/jwt-auth
'userfield' => null,
| Table used for the revisions.
'table' => 'revisions',
~$ php artisan migrate [--database=custom_connection]
You can provide additional --database
param if you want the migration to be run using non-default db connection.
<?php namespace App;
use Sofa\Revisionable\Laravel\RevisionableTrait; // trait
use Sofa\Revisionable\Revisionable; // interface
class User extends \Eloquent implements Revisionable {
use RevisionableTrait;
* Set revisionable whitelist - only changes to any
* of these fields will be tracked during updates.
protected $revisionable = [
And that's all to get your started!
Default behaviour:
namespace App\Models;
use Sofa\Revisionable\Revisionable;
use Sofa\Revisionable\Laravel\RevisionableTrait;
class Ticket extends \Eloquent implements Revisionable {
use RevisionableTrait;
$ php artisan tinker
>>> $ticket = App\Models\Ticket::first();
=> <App\Models\Ticket>
>>> $revision = $ticket->latestRevision;
=> <Sofa\Revisionable\Laravel\Revision>
>>> $revision->getDiff();
=> [
"customer_id" => [
"old" => "1",
"new" => "101"
"item_id" => [
"old" => "2",
"new" => "1"
"responsible_id" => [
"old" => "8",
"new" => "2"
>>> $revision->old('item_id');
=> "2"
>>> $revision->new('item_id');
=> "1"
>>> $revision->isUpdated('item_id');
=> true
>>> $revision->isUpdated('note');
=> false
>>> $revision->label('item_id');
=> "item_id"
>>> $revision->old;
=> [
"defect" => "nie dziala",
"note" => "wrocilo na gwarancji",
"customer_id" => "1",
"item_id" => "2",
"responsible_id" => "8",
"status_id" => "6"
>>> $revision->action;
=> "updated"
But here's where you can leverage bundled Presenter
in order to make useful adjustments:
namespace App\Models;
use Sofa\Revisionable\Revisionable;
use Sofa\Revisionable\Laravel\RevisionableTrait;
class Ticket extends \Eloquent implements Revisionable {
use RevisionableTrait;
protected $revisionPresenter = 'App\Presenters\Revisions\Ticket';
namespace App\Presenters\Revisions;
use Sofa\Revisionable\Laravel\Presenter;
class Ticket extends Presenter {
protected $labels = [
'item_id' => 'Przedmiot',
'customer_id' => 'Klient',
'status_id' => 'Status',
'responsible_id' => 'Serwisant',
'defect' => 'Usterka',
'note' => 'Uwagi',
protected $passThrough = [
'item_id' => '',
'customer_id' => '',
'responsible_id' => '',
'status_id' => '',
protected $actions = [
'created' => 'utworzony',
'updated' => 'edytowany',
'deleted' => 'usunięty',
'restored' => 'przywrócony',
$ php artisan tinker
>>> $ticket = App\Models\Ticket::first();
=> <App\Models\Ticket>
>>> $revision = $ticket->latestRevision; // automatically wrapped in presenter
=> <App\Presenters\Revisions\Ticket>
>>> $revision->old('item_id'); // value fetched from the relationship
=> "komputer pc"
>>> $revision->new('item_id'); // value fetched from the relationship
=> "laptop acer"
>>> $revision->label('item_id'); // custom label defined in the presenter
=> "Przedmiot"
>>> $revision->action; // custom action name defined in the presenter
=> "edytowany"