.NET implementation of a tunnel client for localtunnel.me.
You can install localtunnel-client using one of the followings ways:
- Install localtunnel-client as a dotnet global tool using:
dotnet tool install localtunnel.cli --global
- Use the latest release from the release page and put the folder in your PATH.
Let's get started with starting up a simple tunnel. In the following command, we open a proxy tunnel with a custom subdomain name (my-subdomain) and proxy requests to example.com
localtunnel --subdomain my-subdomain --host example.com --port 443 https
If you are developing a web application or something else, you can put the --browser option onto your command and the client will open your browser with the subdomain.
The client records all recent connections made and shows where they pointed at. You can also disable the dashboard if needed.
The client fetches HTTP headers during the request and transforms the Host header to point onto the target domain
to emulate a real proxy. If you want to disable this to make a passthrough proxy, specify the --passthrough
You can change the options as you need. Here is a list of options the client offers:
Localtunnel [options] [command]
-v, --verbose Enables detailed verbose output.
-b, --browser If specified, opens the webpage in the browser.
--no-dashboard If specified, disables the dashboard.
-c, --max-connections <max-connections> The number of maximum allowed connections. [default: 10]
-d, --subdomain <subdomain> The name of the subdomain to use, if not specified a random subdomain
name is used.
-s, --server <server> The hostname of the server to use. [default: https://localtunnel.me/]
-h, --host <host> The host to proxy requests to. [default: localhost]
-p, --port <port> The port to proxy requests to. [default: 80]
--receive-buffer-size <receive-buffer-size> The minimum number of bytes to use for the receive buffer. [default:
--passthrough If specified, the request is proxied as received and no HTTP headers
are reinterpreted. [default: False]
--version Show version information
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
http Starts a tunnel that exposes a HTTP server.
https Starts a tunnel that exposes a HTTPS server.
You can use localtunnel-client as a .NET library. The following code demonstrates how to create a secured tunnel:
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Localtunnel;
using Localtunnel.Connections;
using var client = new LocaltunnelClient();
var options = new ProxiedSslTunnelOptions { };
var tunnel = await client.OpenAsync(
connectionFactory: x => new ProxiedSslTunnelConnection(x, options),
subdomain: "my-domain");
await Task.Delay(-1);
If you use a self-signed certificate for SSL, you can pass the --allow-untrusted-certificates
option AFTER the https
verb to bypass the SSL verification.
After May 11, 2021 localtunnel-client was split into two separate assemblies (see: #4), if you installed localtunnel-client before that, you can run the following to upgrade:
dotnet tool uninstall localtunnel --global
dotnet tool install localtunnel.cli --global
I have created this implementation because I would not say I liked localtunnel's implementation:
- It does not offer an option to open the browser.
- It is no longer actively maintained.
- It requires NodeJS to run. You can compile this client to a single file executable.
- It needs a HUGE amount of resources idle that are unnecessary.