Simple diary application with moderator functionality.
- Diary application with moderator functionality.
- Data export to excel.
- Postgres logging and auditing.
- Authorization via jwt tokens.
- Rest using encrypted uuid
Frontend -> react + antd
Backend -> spring boot + flyway + mybatis + postgresql
For prod/test deployment using docker the only prerequisites is docker/docker-compose.
Prerequisites: node, npm, java, gradle, docker, docker-compose
Install dependencies:
./api/gradlew -p ./api/ build --refresh-dependencies
npm --prefix ./ui install ./ui
PostgreSQL 10.5 (configuration in application.yml): port: 5444 scheme: pbs user: admin pass: admin
or You can use docker-compose to setup simple database container
docker-compose -f ./dev/ up -d --build
Run two separate shell windows for frontend and backend. (Or just use your favorite IDE :) )
./api/gradlew -p ./api/ bootRun
npm --prefix ./ui start
Access via http://localhost:3000
Admin account: username: admin password: pass
Users account: usernames: user1, user2, user3 password: pass
(Not sure if still works :) )
Production and test environments are set up using multistage docker containers. The only prerequisites here is docker/docker-compose. Production deployment need a working ssl certificate, configured in prod/nginx.conf file.
sh prod/
sh test/