This is a maven archetype creating an appengine project with the following features:
- the spring framework (mvc with REST capabilities)
- spring security with google login configured for authentication and enabled method and URL based authorization.
- optional OAuth2 authorization for google service access.
- using objectify as datastore access layer
- the use of selenium tests by starting the devserver in the intergration phase and work with a remotely controlled firefox on it.
- normal unit tests with gae service stubs initialized.
- demo of a secured cron service
- bower to load all js dependencies
- grunt to do concatenation and minification of javascript files
- splitted maven profiles (dev (default), production for use with concatenation and minification of javascript files)
- clone this project:
git clone
- go into that project:
cd appengine-archetype
- build and install the archetype:
mvn clean install
- steo one directory up:
cd ..
- create a new project based on the archetype (replace <my.groupid> and with values of your own):
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=eu.tuxoo -DarchetypeArtifactId=appengine-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0 -DinteractiveMode=false -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -DgroupId=<my.groupid> -DartifactId=<my-artifactId>
- go into the newly created project:
cd <my-artifactId>
- build the new project (see requirements below in case of errors):
mvn clean install
- run the local devserver:
cd <my-artifactId>-war; mvn appengine:devserver
- to activate OAuth2 authorization, create credentials in the developer console and add them to /WEB-INF/ See comments there for more details.
See the file in the created project for details of the several features.
The generated project requires the following external software to be present on your system:
- maven version 3 or greater
- npm - Node package manager (needed for bower and grunt)
- firefox - the web browser (needed to run selenium tests)