Cumulative Fixes from dev branch:
FIXED: But related to sound files not playing if there was no text message updates.
FIXED: typo in getUnitsByAttribute
FIXED: typo in getGroupsByAttribute
Reverting message display to v4 of function.
Added isExist() to a number of scripting functions to counteract a bug in DCS due to objects returning when they shouldn't.
FIXED: Error in databases caused by respawning static objects via mist.dynAddStatic. DB updater was adding a new groupName entry for the static object instead of inheriting it from the missing editor. If the groupName didn't match the unitName then the problem occurred.
FIXED: Loading mistSetting value for dbLog
FIXED: Error in segmentIntersect function. Correctly to return vec2 table rather than entries 2 and 3 being the x, y values
FIXED: Typo in getWindBearingAndVel function
FIXED: locality bug in mist.marker.add where the passed coordinates were still referenced and converted to vec3
ADDED: coalitionId to databases for everything placed in the editor.
FIXED: Bug in getUnitesByAttribute not working when passed a type value
FIXED: Bug in getGroupsByAttribute not working when passed a type value
ADDED: getDeadMapObjectsFromPoint function
MODIFIED: getDeadObjsInZones to call getDeadMapObjectsFromPoint
FIXED: getPointOnSegment doing math on the wrong value
FIXED: getWindBearingAndVel using the wrong math function
ADDED: mist.pointInZone function. Is passed a point and a zone or a zone name.
ADDED: echo to logger class. When called this will print a message to the DCS.log file and display a message via trigger.action.outText for 30 seconds.
CHANGED: default unitId and groupId values to start at 70000 instead of 7000
ADDED: linkUnit to database entries
ADDED: linkOffset to database entries
ADDED: mist.DBs.const.nato table for phonetic conversion of letters
CHANGED: mist.getUnitPlayload to return an empty table if nothing found
CHANGE: mist.getGroupPayload to return an empty table if nothing found
FIXED: mist.getLeadPos to check if leader object is accessible and will iterate whole table to find the first one that is accessible
FIXED: mist.groupIsDead to only call Group.getByName once
FIXED: mist.Logger:setLevel to default to warning level.
FIXED: mist.Logger:setLevel to use string.lower in case where one forgets that the formatting.
ADDED: dbNum entry to unit table to define which index the the unit is at in the unitsByNum DB table
OPTIMIZED: multiple calls of getPosition to just be a single getPoint call
MODIFIED: process for updating and writing DB files. Moved the editing of DB into its own function
ADDED: error messages and handling if a DB entry fails to be updated
ADDED: mist.forceAddToDB function which accepts a groupName or a static objects name to force add it to the databases.
MODIFIED: zones DB point.y entry for to be set to ground level at the center of the zone
MODIFIED: zones DB properties to be saved as a string
ADDED: zone.linkUnit info if present
MODIFIED: mist.DBs.missionData to have a countries list indexed by country name and their coalition
FIXED: mist.dynAddStatic heading if not present to convert 360 degress to radians
MODIFIED: mist.tostringBR to return altitude in feet to be 1000s of feet
ADDED: mist.utils.tableShowSorted function that attempts to sort the entries alphanumerically. This is mostly to more easily compare written tables in np++ like with...
MODIFIED: mist.debug.dump_G to use mist.utils.tableShowSorted instead of the older tableShow
FIXED: typo in eventHandler
FIXED: getRandomPointInPoly to use a radius value rather than a fixed value.
ADDED: mist.DBs.spawnsByBase table that lists each airbase or unit that has an aircraft set to spawn on it.
MODIFIED: DB to contain the starting helipadId or airdromeId for each unit
MODIFIED: mist.getCurrentGroupData to use an empty table so it doesn't error if nothing is found
MODIFIED: mist.getCurrentGroupData to only call getPosition once.
MODIFIED: mist.getGroupTable to add country and category values to the table returned so it can be directly used in mist.dynAdd without having to dd those vlaue sback.
Fixed getCategory calls for Object.getCategory()