Another javascript POC ads for mobile I've wrote 2 years ago. This lib use the Smartadserver MRAID javascript SDK.
Need to be refactored and improved :)
You need to set the window.scene variable configuration.
window.scene = {
config: {},
template: {}
This template can be overwritten with portrait or landscape version like this:
window.scene = {
config: {},
template: {},
templatePortrait: {},
templateLandscape: {}
Your scene behavior and properties
- required
- scene ID
- min_height
- optional
- title
- max_height
- resize
- bg_color
Your scene html markup with required scaffold
<div class="lmd-ads-scene state-first-half lmd-ads-{scene_id}" id="lmd-ads-{scene_id}">
<div class="lmd-ads-layer layer-bg"></div>
<div class="lmd-ads-container lmd-ads-layer" id="lmd-ads-container-{scene_id}">
<a class="lmd-ads-redirect" id="lmd-ads-redirect" href="" target="_blank"></a>
<div class="lmd-ads-layer"></div>
<div class="lmd-ads-layer"></div>
<div class="lmd-ads-layer"></div>
Use class attribute and combine with data-x additionnal info to define some cool animations
- anim-slide (data-offset, data-speed, data-direction, data-slideto)
- anim-slideXY (data-offset, data-speed, data-speedY, data-direction, data-directionY)
- anim-scale (data-offset, data-speed)
- anim-rotation (data-speed)
- anim-fade-in (data-offset, data-speed)
- anim-fade-out (data-speed)
- anim-fade-inout (data-center, data-width)
- anim-fade-easeinout (data-center, data-width)
- anim-fade-easeoutin (data-center, data-width)
- iOs:
<script src="mraid.js"></script>
- Android:
<script src=""></script>
'scene1': {
config: {
scene: 'scene1',
title: 'Land Rover Slider',
min_height: 75,
max_height: 75,
resize: false,
bg_color: '#000'
template: '<div class="lmd-ads-scene lmd-ads-scene1 state-first-half" id="lmd-ads-scene1">' +
'<div class="lmd-ads-layer layer-bg anim-slide" data-speed="10" style="background-image: url("></div>' +
'<div class="lmd-ads-container lmd-ads-layer lmd-ads-layer-car" id="lmd-ads-container-scene1">' +
'<a href="" class="lmd-ads-layer layer-fixed layer-link">Accédez</a>' +
'<div class="lmd-ads-layer layer-car">' +
'<img class="lmd-ads-layer layer-fixed layer-front-wheel anim-rotation" data-speed="30" src="" />' +
'<img class="lmd-ads-layer layer-fixed layer-back-wheel anim-rotation" data-speed="30" src="" />' +
'<img class="lmd-ads-layer layer-fixed layer-car-body" src="" />' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
config: {
scene: 'scene2',
title: 'Chanel Resize',
min_height: 50,
max_height: 150,
resize: true,
bg_color: '#000'
template: '<div class="lmd-ads-scene lmd-ads-scene2 state-first-half" id="lmd-ads-scene2">' +
'<div class="lmd-ads-layer layer-bg anim-fade-inout" data-center="0.5" data-width="2" style="background-image: url("></div>' +
'<div class="lmd-ads-container lmd-ads-layer lmd-ads-layer-watch" id="lmd-ads-container-scene2">' +
'<div class="lmd-ads-layer layer-fixed layer-watch-hands">' +
'<img class="lmd-ads-layer layer-fixed layer-hand1 anim-rotation anim-fade-inout" data-center="0.5" data-width="2" data-speed="2" src="" />' +
'<img class="lmd-ads-layer layer-fixed layer-hand2 anim-rotation anim-fade-inout" data-center="0.5" data-width="2" data-speed="0.3" src="" />' +
'<img class="lmd-ads-layer layer-fixed layer-hand3 anim-rotation anim-fade-inout" data-center="0.5" data-width="2" data-speed="0.05" src="" />' +
'</div>' +
'<img class="lmd-ads-layer layer-fixed layer-txt" src="" />' +
'</div>' +
'scene3': {
config: {
scene: 'scene3',
title: 'Sony Experia Parallax',
min_height: 75,
max_height: 200,
resize: true,
bg_color: '#000'
template: '<div class="lmd-ads-scene lmd-ads-scene3 state-first-half" id="lmd-ads-scene3">' +
'<div class="lmd-ads-layer layer-bg" style="background-image: url([email protected])"></div>' +
'<div class="lmd-ads-container lmd-ads-layer lmd-ads-layer-phone" id="lmd-ads-container-scene3">' +
'<img class="lmd-ads-layer layer-fixed layer-phone anim-fade anim-fade-easeinout" data-center="0.4" src="[email protected]" />' +
'<img class="lmd-ads-layer layer-fixed layer-txt anim-fade anim-fade-easeinout" data-center="0.6" src="[email protected]" />' +
'</div>' +
'scene4': {
config: {
scene: 'scene4',
title: 'Land Rover Resize v2',
min_height: 75,
max_height: 75,
resize: false,
bg_color: '#000',
max_frames: 630
template: '<div class="lmd-ads-scene lmd-ads-scene4" id="lmd-ads-scene4">' +
'<div id="bg" class="lmd-ads-layer layer-bg anim-slide" data-direction="1"></div>' +
'<div id="lmd-ads-container-scene4" class="lmd-ads-container lmd-ads-layer">' +
'<a class="lmd-ads-redirect" id="lmd-ads-redirect" href="" target="_blank"></a>' +
'<div id="logo" class="lmd-ads-layer" data-center="1"></div>' +
'<div id="main-copy" class="lmd-ads-layer anim-fade anim-fade-out" data-speed="2"></div>' +
'<div id="car" class="lmd-ads-layer anim-slide" data-speed="7" data-direction="1">' +
'<div id="rwheel" class="wheel lmd-ads-layer anim-rotation" data-speed="15"></div>' +
'<div id="fwheel" class="wheel lmd-ads-layer anim-rotation" data-speed="15"></div>' +
'</div>' +
'<button id="main-button" class="lmd-ads-layer anim-scale anim-fade anim-fade-in" data-speed="2">' +
'<span id="btn-copy" class="lmd-ads-layer"></span>' +
'<span id="arrow" class="lmd-ads-layer"></span>' +
'</button>' +
'</div>' +
'scene4-ipad': {
config: {
scene: 'scene4-ipad',
title: 'Land Rover Resize v2 iPad',
min_height: 150,
max_height: 150,
resize: false,
bg_color: '#000',
max_frames: 630
template: '<div class="lmd-ads-scene lmd-ads-scene4-ipad" id="lmd-ads-scene4-ipad">' +
'<div id="bg" class="lmd-ads-layer layer-bg anim-slide" data-direction="1" data-speed="2"></div>' +
'<div id="lmd-ads-container-scene4-ipad" class="lmd-ads-container lmd-ads-layer">' +
'<a class="lmd-ads-redirect" id="lmd-ads-redirect" href="" target="_blank"></a>' +
'<div id="logo" class="lmd-ads-layer" data-center="1"></div>' +
'<div id="main-copy" class="lmd-ads-layer anim-fade anim-fade-easeoutin" data-center="0.25" data-width="1"></div>' +
'<div id="car" class="lmd-ads-layer anim-slide" data-speed="18" data-direction="1">' +
'<div id="rwheel" class="wheel lmd-ads-layer anim-rotation" data-speed="30"></div>' +
'<div id="fwheel" class="wheel lmd-ads-layer anim-rotation" data-speed="30"></div>' +
'</div>' +
'<button id="main-button" class="lmd-ads-layer anim-scale anim-fade anim-fade-in" data-speed="10" data-offset="50">' +
'<span id="btn-copy" class="lmd-ads-layer"></span>' +
'<span id="arrow" class="lmd-ads-layer"></span>' +
'</button>' +
'</div>' +
'scene5': {
config: {
scene: 'scene5',
title: 'Sony Experia Slider v2',
min_height: 75,
max_height: 75,
resize: false,
bg_color: '#000',
max_frames: 630
template: '<div class="lmd-ads-scene lmd-ads-scene5" id="lmd-ads-scene5">' +
'<div id="lmd-ads-container-scene5" class="lmd-ads-container lmd-ads-layer">' +
'<a class="lmd-ads-redirect" id="lmd-ads-redirect" href="" target="_blank"></a>' +
'<div id="crouching" class="lmd-ads-layer anim-fade anim-fade-out anim-slide" data-direction="-1" data-speed="8"></div>' +
'<div id="flying" class="lmd-ads-layer anim-fade anim-fade-in anim-slideXY" data-slideto="300" data-direction="-1" data-directionY="1" data-speed="8" data-speedY="2"></div>' +
'<div id="logo" class="lmd-ads-layer"></div>' +
'<div id="cta" class="lmd-ads-layer anim-fade anim-fade-in anim-slide" data-slideto="200" data-offset="20" data-direction="-1" data-speed="6">' +
'<span id="cta-copy" class="lmd-ads-layer"></span>' +
'<span id="arrow" class="lmd-ads-layer"></span>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'scene5-ipad': {
config: {
scene: 'scene5-ipad',
title: 'Sony Experia Slider v2 iPad',
min_height: 150,
max_height: 150,
resize: false,
bg_color: '#000',
max_frames: 100
template: '<div class="lmd-ads-scene lmd-ads-scene5-ipad" id="lmd-ads-scene5-ipad">' +
'<div id="lmd-ads-container-scene5-ipad" class="lmd-ads-container lmd-ads-layer">' +
'<a class="lmd-ads-redirect" id="lmd-ads-redirect" href="" target="_blank"></a>' +
'<div id="crouching" class="lmd-ads-layer anim-fade anim-fade-out anim-slide" data-direction="-1" data-speed="8"></div>' +
'<div id="flying" class="lmd-ads-layer anim-fade anim-fade-in anim-slideXY" data-slideto="800" data-direction="-1" data-directionY="1" data-speed="14" data-speedY="3.2"></div>' +
'<div id="logo" class="lmd-ads-layer"></div>' +
'<div id="cta" class="lmd-ads-layer anim-fade anim-fade-in anim-slide" data-slideto="700" data-offset="20" data-direction="-1" data-speed="7">' +
'<span id="cta-copy" class="lmd-ads-layer"></span>' +
'<span id="arrow" class="lmd-ads-layer"></span>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
For maximum weight optimization just paste all css/js into the index.html like this:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0"/>
<meta name="msapplication-tap-highlight" content="no"/>
/* style.css */
/* scene.css */
<div id="ads-in-content"></div>
<script src="mraid.js"></script>
window.scene = {
/* scene config */
/* script.js*/
- Add timer?
- Use specific data for each animation (e.g. data-speed -> data-speed-scale, data-speed-rotation, ...)
- Allow custom animation
- Create custom project with grunt/gulp that do the Export job