A script to provide the bare minimum to start building a PHP/MooTools powered website. Used for small projects, where it's feasible to get cracking right away. Of course you could copy/paste files from one project to the other every time, but now you don't have to worry about leftover data polluting your files.
Requires PHP5.x and directory read/write permissions to use.
Please note: only tested on Windows. Not likely to work on Linux/Mac (as of now)
This installer is meant for small projects, where you want a basic setup with convenient functions. Launch the script, test if it works and start coding with a working environment in under a minute.
It features the following functionalities:
- A basic mysql connection with INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and plain query functions.
- A primitive PHP templating system
- Ajax calls in Javascript and handling in PHP
- html5doctor.com's CSS reset stylesheet
- MooTools 1.4.5 (non-compressed)
- A clear and clean folder structure
The installer uses $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']
as its base for installations.
- Run the installer from your browser.
- Enter the location where you want to install to. Note: if you choose an existing folder, it will overwrite conflicting files.
- Optional: enter your database details. This will only be saved for the current process.
- Overview page. Click 'Install' to start.
- Click 'Go!' to visit your newly created project.
- Test the Ajax call function
- Test the database connection, if you filled in the correct details at step 3
- 'Final preparations' removes all the test-data and presents you with a clean project
The following filetree is created:
- classes
- Ajax.class.php
- Db.class.php
- Site.class.php
- Template.class.php
- css
- reset.css
- styles.css
- inc
- definitions.inc.php
- js
- Site.js
- mootools-core-1.4.5-full-nocompat-yc.js
- templates
- content-default.php
- footer.php
- header.php
- index.php
Calls Site.class.php and initiates page
The heart of all interaction between JS and PHP, this file handles all Ajax requests.
function getRequest($request [, $data])
Returns called function
Looks for the request literally as a function, else use switch-statement
function getDefault([ $data ])
Returns content-default.php template
Database class
function query([ $query ])
Returns error or empty set or results
function insert($table, $data = array())
Returns error or true
Table name
Data to be inserted
'column_name1' => 'value1',
'column_name2' => 'value2'
function update($table, $id, $data = array())
Returns error or true
Table name
Row where 'id'
Data to be inserted
'column_name1' => 'value1',
'column_name2' => 'value2'
function delete($table, $id)
Returns error or true
Table name
Row where 'id' to delete
Main class
Initiates $_SESSION, loads inc/definitions.inc.php, assigns autoloader, initiates classes, processes Ajax-requests
function getPage()
Returns default page
function error($errorMsg [, $line = 'undefined', $file = 'undefined'])
Basic errors
Returns error message
Error message to return
Line number
Html5doctor.com reset stylesheet
Empty stylesheet file
Set Database constants. If provided in the installation, this should be filled in.
MooTools core version 1.4.5, non-compressed
Main MooTools javascript
ajaxRequest: function(request, data, success)
Returns function call return or console.log(error)
Processes Ajax-requests
Function to call
JSON object with data to transfer
Callback function on success
$('button').addEvent('click', function(event) {
this.ajaxRequest('getDefault', {
key1: 'value1',
key2: {
key2a: 'value2a',
key2b: 'value2b'
function(response) {
Example empty template file, is called on initial loading of page
Closes HTML tags
Calls HTML header with HTML5 doctype, stylesheets and javascript files