This is a simple AWS CloudFormation template that creates an Lambda Function, an API Gateway and a DynamoDB table. All of the contents of the Twilio POST request are stored in the DynamoDB table and responds to the SMS sender with the message "You sent the message: {SMS Message}".
To deploy this function, you will need to have an AWS Account and configured correctly on your computer. You will also have an S3 bucket that can be used for deployment.
This uses the AWS CloudFormation Package Command to zip the contents of this directory, upload to S3, and modify the template.json file and saves the output as the file "packaged-template.json".
aws cloudformation package \
--template-file template.json \
--s3-bucket S3_Bucket_Name \
--output-template-file packaged-template.json \
This uses the AWS CloudFormation Deploy Function to create or update a CloudFormation stack.
aws cloudformation deploy \
--template-file packaged-template.json \
--stack-name your-stackname-here \
--region us-west-2 \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
Once the CloudForation Template has been deployed, an API Gateway will be created and deployed. Find the URL in the API Gateway Console and update your webhook settings in the Twilio Phone Number Dashboard.
For more detailed instructions, please see the detailed blog post on what this is and how it works.