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5x faster day 19
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mstksg committed Dec 19, 2023
1 parent 01d69b5 commit 399c0df
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 25 deletions.
56 changes: 31 additions & 25 deletions src/AOC/Challenge/Day19.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ chunky str = (inp, map go chunks)
b' <- readMaybe b
pure (a', o', b', tailMay x'')

processWorkflow :: String -> Maybe (String, Workflow String)
processWorkflow str = do
parseWorkflow :: String -> Maybe (String, Workflow String)
parseWorkflow str = do
(conds, Left backup) <- unsnoc filterParts
rules <- for conds \case
Right (a, b, c, Just d) -> Just $ Rule a b c (classify d)
Expand All @@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ processWorkflow str = do
"A" -> Accept
p -> Defer p

processInp :: String -> Maybe (Map XMAS Int)
processInp = fmap M.fromList . traverse go . snd . chunky
parseBag :: String -> Maybe (Map XMAS Int)
parseBag = fmap M.fromList . traverse go . snd . chunky
go = \case
Right (x, _, n, _) -> Just (x, n)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,28 +188,41 @@ allXmas =
noXmas :: XmasSet
noXmas = XmasSet IVM.empty

reMap :: (Ord k, Eq a) => IntervalMap k a -> IntervalMap k a
reMap = IVM.fromList . eat . IVM.toAscList
eat [] = []
eat ((i, v) : xs) = go i v xs
go i v = \case
[] -> [(i, v)]
(j, u) : xs
| i `IV.isConnected` j && v == u -> go (i `IV.hull` j) v xs
| otherwise -> (i, v) : go j u xs

intersect :: XmasSet -> XmasSet -> XmasSet
intersect (XmasSet xs) (XmasSet xs') =
XmasSet $
(IVM.intersectionWith (IVM.intersectionWith IVS.intersection))
XmasSet $ subInter (subInter (subInter IVS.intersection)) xs xs'
subInter f x = reMap . IVM.intersectionWith f x

union :: XmasSet -> XmasSet -> XmasSet
union (XmasSet xs) (XmasSet xs') =
XmasSet $
(IVM.unionWith (IVM.unionWith IVS.union))
XmasSet $ subUnion (subUnion (subUnion IVS.union)) xs xs'
subUnion f x = reMap . IVM.unionWith f x

-- ....x ..... ....x
-- .x..x x...x .x...
-- .xx.x xx.x. ..x.x
-- x..x. .xx.x x..x.
-- combine A^B and whatever is in A but not B
difference :: XmasSet -> XmasSet -> XmasSet
difference (XmasSet xs) (XmasSet xs') =
XmasSet $
diffWith (diffWith (diffWith IVS.difference)) xs xs'
diffWith f a b = IVM.intersectionWith f a b <> IVM.difference a b
diffWith f a b = reMap $ IVM.intersectionWith f a b <> IVM.difference a b

size :: XmasSet -> Int
size (XmasSet xs) = (sumBySize . sumBySize . sumBySize) (sum . map ivalSize . IVS.toList) xs
Expand All @@ -220,13 +233,6 @@ size (XmasSet xs) = (sumBySize . sumBySize . sumBySize) (sum . map ivalSize . IV
- 1
+ countTrue (== IV.Closed) (map snd [IV.lowerBound' i, IV.upperBound' i])

-- ....x ..... ....x
-- .x..x x...x .x...
-- .xx.x xx.x. ..x.x
-- x..x. .xx.x x..x.
-- combine A^B and whatever is in A but not B

xmasRule :: Rule XmasSet -> XmasSet -> XmasSet
xmasRule Rule {..} rest = case rResult of
Reject -> rest `difference` ivalXmas
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -254,8 +260,8 @@ day19a =
{ sParse = \inp -> do
(a, b) <- listTup $ splitOn "\n\n" inp
<$> fmap M.fromList (traverse processWorkflow (lines a))
<*> traverse processInp (lines b),
<$> fmap M.fromList (traverse parseWorkflow (lines a))
<*> traverse parseBag (lines b),
sShow = show,
sSolve = noFail $ \(wfs, xs) ->
Expand All @@ -267,7 +273,7 @@ day19a =
day19b :: _ :~> _
day19b =
{ sParse = fmap M.fromList . traverse processWorkflow . takeWhile (not . null) . lines,
{ sParse = fmap M.fromList . traverse parseWorkflow . takeWhile (not . null) . lines,
sShow = show,
sSolve =
noFail $ \wfs ->
Expand Down

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