Cthulhu Roller is a Call of Cthulhu RPG 7E dice roller bot for Discord.
Needs environment variable DISCORD_TOKEN
to be set.
curl https://pyenv.run | bash
pyenv install 3.11
pyenv local 3.11
pip install poetry
poetry env use 3.11
poetry install
source .env
poetry run python cthulhu_roller.py
sudo apt install -y libsystemd-dev
Created for simplicity. Rolls a d100 with optional bonus or penalty dice, and optional threshold for determining levels of success or failure.
/croll [[number=1][die type]]...[[score][threshold]]
Test roll:
<number>t Threshold to determine success or failure
<number>b Bonus dice
<number>p Penalty dice
Die roll:
<number>d/k<number>+/-<number> Custom dice with optional modifier
Result: 36
Rolls: [ 30 ] [ 6 ]
/croll 60t
Hard Success! (1/2)
Result: 24
Threshold: 60/30/12
Rolls: [ 20 ] [ 4 ]
/croll b
Result: 35
Bonus dice: 1
Rolls: [ 70 ] [ 30 ] [ 5 ]
/croll 2p70t
Result: 74
Threshold: 70/35/14
Penalty dice: 2
Rolls: [ 70 ] [ 50 ] [ 00 ] [ 4 ]
/croll d10
Result: 8
Rolling 1d10
Rolls: [ 8 ]
/croll 2k6+2
Result: 9
Rolling 2d6+2
Rolls: [ 5 ] [ 2 ]