This is a CLI tool to call the Quora Poe API through GraphQL. It is a work in progress, and currently only supports the following:
- Chat with 3 types of bots (Claude, Capybara, and Nutria)
- Clear the chat history
- Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in the required fields
- Run the following command to install the dependencies:
npm install
To start, run:
npm start
To use this API, you will need to have the following:
- Quora-Formkey: This is obtained by logging in to, viewing the page source, and finding the "formkey" dictionary key.
- Cookie: 'm-b=xxxx' - This is the value of the cookie with the key m-b, which is present in the list of cookies used on, you can simply inspect cookies in Chrome to get it.
- Put the above two in a .env file in the root directory of the project
Note: Next plan is to semi automate this things
- @apollo/client
- @apollo/server
- chalk
- cheerio
- cli-spinners
- cross-fetch
- fetch-cookie
- graphql
- graphql-tag
- ora
- prompts
Since I do not own apple devices, I am unable to reverse engineer the app to find the endpoints/requests made by the app. If you are able to do so, please contribute to this repo by adding new features or fixing bugs.
To contribute to this repo, fork first and create a pull request.