15258 commits
to master
since this release
Big thanks to the 18 contributors who made this release possible.
@material-ui/[email protected]
- [l10n] Add Estonian (et-EE) locale (#19707) @villuv
- [ScopedCssBaseline] Allow css to be only applied on children (#19669) @TomPradat
@material-ui/[email protected]
@material-ui/[email protected]
- [Autocomplete] Improve freeSolo UX (#19663) @itelofilho
- [Autocomplete] Make options required (#19648) @alexandesigner
- [Pagination] Second iteration (#19612) @oliviertassinari
- [TreeView] Add recursive demo (#19636) @captain-yossarian
- [docs] Encourage mui-rff (#19676) @lookfirst
- [docs] Fix missing import in auto-dark theme palette example (#19694) @vinyldarkscratch
- [docs] Fix typo in sticky footer template (#19695) @bryndyment
- [docs] List default attributes first (#19693) @amcasey
- [docs] Revamp the notifications (#19615) @mbrookes
- [docs] Revert sidebar scrolling (#19678) @kristenmills
- [docs] Switch to cross-fetch (#19644) @eps1lon
- [docs] Update codemod documentation (#19661) @larsenwork
- [docs] What's the lab about? (#19611) @jcafiero
- [core] Export TypographyVariant type (#19598) @aleccaputo
- [core] Host normalize-scroll-left (#19638) @oliviertassinari
- [core] Misc dependency fixes (#19643) @eps1lon
- [core] Batch small changes (#19639) @oliviertassinari
- [core] Batch small changes (#19717) @oliviertassinari