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MultiversX devcontainer templates to be used in VSCode or GitHub Codespaces, for Smart Contract development (others to come).


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MultiversX devcontainer templates to be used in VSCode or GitHub Codespaces, for Smart Contract development (others to come).

For users of the templates

Before everything, please follow the Visual Studio Code series on dev containers:

In Visual Studio code, the following MultiversX dev containers are available:

Using the Docker images without VSCode

If you'd like to use the Docker image(s) to invoke mxpy commands and build contracts directly from a terminal, without VSCode's devcontainers feature, below are a few examples.

First, let's export some environment variables:

export IMAGE=multiversx/devcontainer-smart-contracts-rust:latest
export DOCKER_USER=$(id -u):$(id -g)

# Mandatory: run the container as the current user (should be 1000:1000), not as root.
# Suggestion: use a stateless container; remove it after use (--rm).
# Suggestion: map the current directory to "/data" in the container.
export RUN="docker run --network=host --user=${DOCKER_USER} --rm -it --volume $(pwd):/data"

Run the container and do a quick inspection:

${RUN} ${IMAGE} whoami
${RUN} ${IMAGE} mxpy --version
${RUN} ${IMAGE} cargo --version
${RUN} ${IMAGE} rustc --version
${RUN} ${IMAGE} sc-meta --version
${RUN} ${IMAGE} wasm-opt --version

Clone mx-contracts-rs locally, then build a few contracts within the container:

git clone  --single-branch --depth=1

${RUN} ${IMAGE} sc-meta all build --path /data/mx-contracts-rs/contracts/adder
stat ./mx-contracts-rs/contracts/adder/output/adder.wasm

${RUN} ${IMAGE} sc-meta all build --path /data/mx-contracts-rs/contracts/ping-pong-egld
stat ./mx-contracts-rs/contracts/ping-pong-egld/output/ping-pong-egld.wasm

Deploy a previously-built smart contract on Devnet:

${RUN} ${IMAGE} mxpy contract deploy \
    --bytecode /data/mx-contracts-rs/contracts/adder/output/adder.wasm \
    --arguments 0 \
    --pem /home/developer/multiversx-sdk/testwallets/latest/users/alice.pem \
    --recall-nonce \
    --gas-limit 5000000 \
    --chain D \
    --proxy \

Call a function of a previously-deployed smart contract:

${RUN} ${IMAGE} mxpy contract call \
    erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqr3clh6ghpww5fc4uhwh2amsseuvecswzd8ssxu68s3 \
    --function "add" \
    --arguments 42 \
    --pem /home/developer/multiversx-sdk/testwallets/latest/users/alice.pem \
    --recall-nonce \
    --gas-limit 5000000 \
    --chain D \
    --proxy \

Query a smart contract:

${RUN} ${IMAGE} mxpy contract query \
    erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqr3clh6ghpww5fc4uhwh2amsseuvecswzd8ssxu68s3 \
    --function "getSum" \

Setup a localnet (make sure to set the --workdir, as well), then inspect the generated files (on the mapped volume):

${RUN} --workdir /data ${IMAGE} mxpy localnet setup
cat ./localnet.toml
tree -L 1 ./localnet

Start the localnet (make sure to publish the necessary ports; see the generated localnet.toml):

${RUN} --workdir /data --publish 7950:7950 ${IMAGE} mxpy localnet start

You can pause the localnet by simply stopping the container, then restart it by invoking the start command again.

In a separate terminal, inspect an endpoint of the localnet's Proxy (as a smoke test):

curl | jq

For maintainers of the templates

Skip this section if you are not a maintainer of this repository.


Build images

Build the Docker images for local testing:

docker build --network=host ./resources/smart-contracts-rust -t multiversx/devcontainer-smart-contracts-rust:latest -f ./resources/smart-contracts-rust/Dockerfile

Test the templates

rm -rf "/tmp/test-workspace" && mkdir -p "/tmp/test-workspace" && \
cp -R "src/smart-contracts-rust/.devcontainer" "/tmp/test-workspace" && \
code "/tmp/test-workspace/"

Then, in VSCode, launch the command Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container, wait, then inspect the environment. For example, check version of mxpy, rust, sc-meta, build the sample smart contracts, verify output of rust-analyzer.

Publish images


docker build --network=host ./resources/smart-contracts-rust -t multiversx/devcontainer-smart-contracts-rust:latest -f ./resources/smart-contracts-rust/Dockerfile
docker push multiversx/devcontainer-smart-contracts-rust:latest

On Github, trigger the GitHub workflow(s) publish-image-*.yml to publish the image(s). Ideally, do this on the main branch.

Publish templates

Trigger the GitHub workflow publish-templates.yml to publish the templates. Ideally, do this on the main branch.


MultiversX devcontainer templates to be used in VSCode or GitHub Codespaces, for Smart Contract development (others to come).





