This library is a writer(sink) Splunk to use with Tracer
Using go get (not recommended):
go get
Using dep (recommended):
dep ensure --add<version>
Field | Type | Mandatory? | Default | Description |
Address | string | Y | Splunk full endpoint (i.e. http://localhost:8088/services/collector) | |
Key | string | N | "" | Splunk Token Key |
Application | string | Y | Application name | |
Minimum Level | uint8 | N | DEBUG | Minimum Level to log following the syslog standard |
Timeout | time.Duration | N | 0 (infinite) | Timeout of the HTTP client |
MessageEnvelop | string | N | "%v" | A envelop that wraps the original message |
DefaultProperties | splunk.Entry | N | {} | A generic object to append to every log entry, but can be overwritten by the original log entry |
Buffer.Cap | int | N | 100 | Maximum capacity of the log buffer, when the buffer is full all logs are sent at once |
Buffer.OnWait | int | N | 100 | Maximum size of the queue to send to Splunk |
Buffer.BackOff | time.Duration | N | 60 seconds | Delay between retries to Splunk |
ConfigLineLog | map[string]interface{} | S | {} | Properties needed to insert log in splunk (host, source, sourcetype and index) |
DefaultPropertiesSplunk | map[string]interface{} | S | {} | Properties set by administrador on splunk |
DefaultPropertiesApp | map[string]interface{} | S | {} | Properties to information about your application |
Below follows a simple example of how to use this lib:
package main
import (
splunk ""
bsp ""
type Safe struct {
type LogEntry = map[string]interface{}
func (s *Safe) Write(entry tracer.Entry) {
defer func() {
err := recover()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%v", err)
func configureTracer() {
var writers []tracer.Writer
writers = append(writers, &Safe{splunk.New(splunk.Config{
Timeout: 3 * time.Second,
MinimumLevel: tracer.Debug,
ConfigLineLog: LogEntry{
"host": "MyMachineName",
"source": "MySourceLog",
"sourcetype": "_json",
"index": "main",
DefaultPropertiesSplunk: LogEntry{
"ProcessName": "MyProcessSourceLog",
"ProductCompany": "MyCompanyName",
"ProductName": "MyProductName",
"ProductVersion": "1.0",
DefaultPropertiesApp: LogEntry{
"Properties": "Add here your default properties.",
Application: "MyApplicationName",
Key: "dd4a1733-75c8-48b2-abba-c102af7b9523",
Address: "http://localhost:8088/services/collector",
Buffer: bsp.Config{
OnWait: 2,
BackOff: 1 * time.Second,
Expiration: 5 * time.Second,
for _, writer := range writers {
func inner() {
logger := tracer.GetLogger("moduleA.inner")
logger.Info("don't know which transaction is this")
logger.Info("but this log in this transaction")
logger = logger.Trace()
go func() {
logger.Info("this is also inside the same transaction")
func() {
logger := tracer.GetLogger("moduleA.inner.nested")
logger.Info("but not this one...")
func main() {
logger := tracer.GetLogger("moduleA")
logger.Info("logging in transaction 'A'", "B")
logger.Info("logging in transaction 'B'", "B")
logger.Info("logging in transaction 'B'", "B")
logger.Info("logging in transaction 'A'", "A")
logger.Info("logging in transaction 'A'", "A")
logger = logger.Trace("C") // now all logs on this logger will be on the transaction C
logger.Info("logging in transaction 'C'")
logger.Info("logging in transaction 'C'", "A")