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%title: Deployment Strategies Applied With Kubernetes %author: Murat Karakaş %date: 05-05-2020

-> # Road Map <-

  • Basics Of Kubernetes Deployment

  • Common Strategies

  • Introduction ArgoRollout

  • Demo : Applying Deployment Strategies

    • Plain K8s

    • Automated with ArgoRollout

-> ## Basics Of Kubernetes Deployment <-

Quick k8s deployment overview (k8s has other workload tpyes but will we will focus on this)

  • A Pod is a group of one or more containers. Simplest application unit.

  • ReplicaSet is used for managing identical set of pods working together and guarantees availibilty.

  • Deployment is higher-level concept over ReplicaSet that provides declarative update,rollback

  • Kubernetes has more workload types for different types of applications

                                   |         Deployment          |
                                  /--------------/ \--------------\
                                  |                               |
                                  |                               |
                                  |                               |
                                  v                               v
                        +--------------+                     +--------------+
                        |              |                     |              |
                        |  ReplicaSet  |                     |  ReplicaSet  |
                        |              |                     |              |
                        +------+-------+                     +-------+------+
                               |                                     |
                    /---------/ \---------\               /---------/ \---------\
                   |                       |             |                       |
                   |                       |             |                       |
                   |                       |             |                       |
                   v                       v             v                       v
               +-----------+      +-----------+       +-----------+      +-----------+
               |           |      |           |       |           |      |           |
               |    Pod    |      |    Pod    |       |    Pod    |      |    Pod    |
               |           |      |           |       |           |      |           |
               +-----------+      +-----------+       +-----------+      +-----------+

-> ## Common Strategies <-

There are 2 main problems when rolling out to production (Sure there are more..)

  • Downtime

  • Testing with real user and data

-> ## Common Strategies <-

  • Rolling Update

  • ReCreate

  • Blue/Green

  • Canary

There strategies are not specific to k8s

-> ## Rolling Update <-

Think that you have 3 instances of your application (3 pods)

  • Update your deployment definition with new Image

  • Deployment wil start new pod from new image(based on your rules)

  • After new pod starts, one of the old pod is delete

  • This process continues until there are no running old pods left

  • Techically there is no downtime

-> ## ReCreate <-

Think that again you have 3 instances of your application (3 pods)

  • Update your deployment definition with new Image

  • Deployment wil terminate all old pods

  • After termination process finishes creates 3 pods from new image

  • Your application won't be availibile during this process

-> ## Blue-Green Deployment <-

  • Blue refers to currenttly running version of your application

  • Green is the new version of your application

  • If you have 3 pods (which are called blue ones) you start 3 green instances

  • External Load balancer routes to only blue ones

  • When you have 3 healty green instances you test your new instances

  • If there is no problem with the green instances you switch your load balancer to point the green instances only

  • Scale your blue instances 0 for fast rollback

-> ## Blue-Green Deployment <-

                                             Web Traffic
                                   |         Load Balancer       |
                                        %100      |
                        +--------------+                     +--------------+
                        |              |                     |              |
                        |  Old Version |                     |  New Version | ----> check internally
                        |              |                     |              |
                        +------+-------+                     +-------+------+

-> ## Blue-Green Deployment <-

                                             Web Traffic
                                   |         Load Balancer       |
                                                  |  switch traffic
                        +--------------+                     +--------------+
                        |              |                     |              |
                        |  Old Version |                     |  New Version |
                        |              |                     |              |
                        +------+-------+                     +-------+------+

-> ## Canary Release <-

“Canary release* is a technique to reduce the risk of introducing a new software version in production by slowly rolling out the change to a small subset of users before rolling it out to the entire infrastructure and making it available to everybody.”


-> ## Canary Release <-

  • Deploy the new version of your application

  • Don't stop or scale down old version

  • Forward limited traffic to new version(ex:%10)

  • Alternatively release new version to limited set of users

  • Check the results

  • Increase the trafic ratio of new version step by step

-> ## Canary Release <-

                                             Web Traffic
                                   |         Load Balancer       |
                                        %90       |      %10
                                  /--------------/ \--------------\
                                  |                               |
                                  |                               |
                                  |                               |
                                  v                               v
                        +--------------+                     +--------------+
                        |              |                     |              |
                        |  Old Version |                     |  New Version |
                        |              |                     |              |
                        +------+-------+                     +-------+------+

-> ## Canary Release <-

                                             Web Traffic
                                   |         Load Balancer       |
                               Normal Users       |         Test Users
                                  /--------------/ \--------------\
                                  |                               |
                                  |                               |
                                  |                               |
                                  v                               v
                        +--------------+                     +--------------+
                        |              |                     |              |
                        |  Old Version |                     |  New Version |
                        |              |                     |              |
                        +------+-------+                     +-------+------+

-> ## Canary Release <-

                                             Web Traffic
                                   |         Load Balancer       |
                                                  |      All Users  100% Traffic
                                  /------X-------/ \--------------\
                                  |                               |
                                  |                               |
                                  |                               |
                                  v                               v
                        +--------------+                     +--------------+
                        |              |                     |              |
                        |  Old Version |                     |  New Version |
                        |              |                     |              |
                        +------+-------+                     +-------+------+

-> ## Applying Strategies with Kubernetes <-

  • Supports all these major strategies out of the box

  • Deployment + Service + Ingress

  • Requires applying practices

  • User controlled flow

-> ## ArgoRollout <-

  • Argo Rollouts provides deployment strategies such as Blue Green and Canary to Kubernetes with automates process.

  • Has built in controller name "ArgoRollout" which has advanced controlls compared to classic k8s "Deployment".

  • Uses direct kubernetes load balancer features (Service & Ingress ). No additional networking components.

  • Supports automated release analysis (Post or Progressive)

  • Has kubectl plugin for commandline

-> ## Demo <-

Implementing Deployment Strategies with Kubernetes

  • Plain K8s

    • Blue/Green

    • Canary

  • Automated with ArgoRollout

    • Blue/Green

    • Canary

    • Blue/Green with autmatic rollback with analysis