%title: Deployment Strategies Applied With Kubernetes %author: Murat Karakaş %date: 05-05-2020
-> # Road Map <-
Basics Of Kubernetes Deployment
Common Strategies
Introduction ArgoRollout
Demo : Applying Deployment Strategies
Plain K8s
Automated with ArgoRollout
-> ## Basics Of Kubernetes Deployment <-
Quick k8s deployment overview (k8s has other workload tpyes but will we will focus on this)
A Pod is a group of one or more containers. Simplest application unit.
ReplicaSet is used for managing identical set of pods working together and guarantees availibilty.
Deployment is higher-level concept over ReplicaSet that provides declarative update,rollback
Kubernetes has more workload types for different types of applications
| Deployment |
/--------------/ \--------------\
| |
| |
| |
v v
+--------------+ +--------------+
| | | |
| ReplicaSet | | ReplicaSet |
| | | |
+------+-------+ +-------+------+
| |
/---------/ \---------\ /---------/ \---------\
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
v v v v
+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+
| | | | | | | |
| Pod | | Pod | | Pod | | Pod |
| | | | | | | |
+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+
-> ## Common Strategies <-
There are 2 main problems when rolling out to production (Sure there are more..)
Testing with real user and data
-> ## Common Strategies <-
Rolling Update
There strategies are not specific to k8s
-> ## Rolling Update <-
Think that you have 3 instances of your application (3 pods)
Update your deployment definition with new Image
Deployment wil start new pod from new image(based on your rules)
After new pod starts, one of the old pod is delete
This process continues until there are no running old pods left
Techically there is no downtime
-> ## ReCreate <-
Think that again you have 3 instances of your application (3 pods)
Update your deployment definition with new Image
Deployment wil terminate all old pods
After termination process finishes creates 3 pods from new image
Your application won't be availibile during this process
-> ## Blue-Green Deployment <-
Blue refers to currenttly running version of your application
Green is the new version of your application
If you have 3 pods (which are called blue ones) you start 3 green instances
External Load balancer routes to only blue ones
When you have 3 healty green instances you test your new instances
If there is no problem with the green instances you switch your load balancer to point the green instances only
Scale your blue instances 0 for fast rollback
-> ## Blue-Green Deployment <-
Web Traffic
| Load Balancer |
%100 |
+--------------+ +--------------+
| | | |
| Old Version | | New Version | ----> check internally
| | | |
+------+-------+ +-------+------+
-> ## Blue-Green Deployment <-
Web Traffic
| Load Balancer |
| switch traffic
+--------------+ +--------------+
| | | |
| Old Version | | New Version |
| | | |
+------+-------+ +-------+------+
-> ## Canary Release <-
“Canary release* is a technique to reduce the risk of introducing a new software version in production by slowly rolling out the change to a small subset of users before rolling it out to the entire infrastructure and making it available to everybody.”
-> ## Canary Release <-
Deploy the new version of your application
Don't stop or scale down old version
Forward limited traffic to new version(ex:%10)
Alternatively release new version to limited set of users
Check the results
Increase the trafic ratio of new version step by step
-> ## Canary Release <-
Web Traffic
| Load Balancer |
%90 | %10
/--------------/ \--------------\
| |
| |
| |
v v
+--------------+ +--------------+
| | | |
| Old Version | | New Version |
| | | |
+------+-------+ +-------+------+
-> ## Canary Release <-
Web Traffic
| Load Balancer |
Normal Users | Test Users
/--------------/ \--------------\
| |
| |
| |
v v
+--------------+ +--------------+
| | | |
| Old Version | | New Version |
| | | |
+------+-------+ +-------+------+
-> ## Canary Release <-
Web Traffic
| Load Balancer |
| All Users 100% Traffic
/------X-------/ \--------------\
| |
| |
| |
v v
+--------------+ +--------------+
| | | |
| Old Version | | New Version |
| | | |
+------+-------+ +-------+------+
-> ## Applying Strategies with Kubernetes <-
Supports all these major strategies out of the box
Deployment + Service + Ingress
Requires applying practices
User controlled flow
-> ## ArgoRollout <-
Argo Rollouts provides deployment strategies such as Blue Green and Canary to Kubernetes with automates process.
Has built in controller name "ArgoRollout" which has advanced controlls compared to classic k8s "Deployment".
Uses direct kubernetes load balancer features (Service & Ingress ). No additional networking components.
Supports automated release analysis (Post or Progressive)
Has kubectl plugin for commandline
-> ## Demo <-
Implementing Deployment Strategies with Kubernetes
Plain K8s
Automated with ArgoRollout
Blue/Green with autmatic rollback with analysis