- Find the app on Heroku: JamPodd
- Find the Demonstration video here: Demo video
A Web Music player with the ability to search for songs, create/edit playlists, add songs to playlists, and of course, play songs and playlists.
Sign In via BITS Mail for an immersive expreience.
- Search from a variety of different songs that fit your mood.
- You can search for songs, artists, albums, or by genre.
- Create playlists with your favourite tracks. Add songs from the Explore tab.
- Your playlists are tied to your BITS Email.
- Rename them to anything you like.
- Delete playlists anytime you want, or cherish them forever!
- Don't wish to create a playlist? Play from the list of songs you've searched!
- Made the UI design and functionality of the explore, playlists and playlist page components.
- Made the music player and controls, setup page routing, integrated the frontend with the backend.
- Things learned: React components, states, routing. Fetching and posting data to a backend.
First time I've worked on a fully functioning frontend.
- Set up the express server.
- Linked it up to a MongoDB cluster.
- Made data access objects and controller files for fetching songs, playlists, etc. by name(using search indexes + MongoDB filters).
- Backend for creating/editing/deleting playlist data.
This is my first time working on a node backend.
- Set up google sign-in components using react-google-login package and setting up google auth.
- Created bucket in Google Cloud to store song data.
- Things I learnt: React components, states, Google Cloud Console storage, authorisation using GCP.
This is my first time working with a fully functioning application built in MERN stack.