A platform for converting HTML and Docx documents to PDF files.
- Convert HTML and Docx files to PDF files
- Convert PDF files to HTML and Docx files
- Convert multiple documents at the same time as the converting process work in the background
- Manage all converted documents, you could see a list of all files and delete or get more details about each one
- You could download converted documents, and bulk download list of documents at the same time
The backend API is built based on the monolithic architecture and has those modules:
- Users Module: A module for registering and logining users
- Files Module: A module for manging files
- Document Converter Module: A module for converting documents
- Converter Module: A module for request to convert files and contain the document converter module
- Backend: Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Celery, RabbitMQ, Redis
- Infrastructure: Terraform, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Deployment: Docker, Kubernetes
- Copy
and update it. - Run The Backend API:
docker compose -f backend/.docker-compose/development.yml up -d --build
- Run Pytest:
docker exec -it backend_development_django /bin/bash -c "/opt/venv/bin/pytest -rP"
- Run Pytest Coverage:
docker exec -it backend_development_django /bin/bash -c "/opt/venv/bin/pytest --cov=."
- Check Docs Coverage:
docker exec -it backend_development_django /bin/bash -c "/opt/venv/bin/interrogate -v ."
- Check Docs Style:
docker exec -it backend_development_django /bin/bash -c "/opt/venv/bin/pydocstyle ."
- Copy
to The Container:docker cp mkdocs.yml backend_development_django:/mkdocs.yml docker cp docs backend_development_django:/docs
- Show Docs Locally:
docker exec -it backend_development_django /bin/bash -c "cd .. && /opt/venv/bin/mkdocs serve --dev-addr"
- Deploy Docs to GitHub Pages:
docker exec -it backend_development_django /bin/bash -c "cd .. && /opt/venv/bin/mkdocs gh-deploy"
- Setup and run the infrastructure
- Get the environment variables from the infrastructure:
python scripts/get_infra_output.py --c=infrastructure/.docker-compose.yml --m=aws --f=env
- Copy
and update it. - Run The Backend API:
docker compose -f backend/.docker-compose/production.yml up -d --build
Export Values:
export ENVIRONMENT=production; export PROJECT_NAME=docorvter; export DOCKER_HUB=mustafaabdallah; export FINAL_IMAGE=$DOCKER_HUB/$PROJECT_NAME export NAMESPACE="$PROJECT_NAME-namespace"
Build a Docker Image:
docker build -t $FINAL_IMAGE -f backend/Dockerfile backend --build-arg ENVIRONMENT=$ENVIRONMENT
Push to Docker Hub:
docker push $FINAL_IMAGE
Run The Image Locally:
python3 scripts/run_backend.py --env=backend/.env/.env.production --image=$FINAL_IMAGE
Create a Namespace
kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE
Create Kubernetes secret from the env file
kubectl create secret generic "$PROJECT_NAME-env-secrets" \ --from-env-file=.env/.env.production \ --namespace=$NAMESPACE
Apply Kubernetes deployment and service
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployment.yml kubectl apply -f kubernetes/service.yml
Change namespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=$NAMESPACE
Launch the app
minikube service -n $NAMESPACE --url $PROJECT_NAME
Delete a Namespace
kubectl delete namespace $NAMESPACE
Setup Terraform Backend:
- Set Bucket Name:
export BUCKET_NAME=docorvter-terraform-backend;
- Create a Bucket on AWS S3.
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket $BUCKET_NAME --region us-east-1
- Empty The Bucket
aws s3 rm s3://$BUCKET_NAME --recursive
- Delete The Bucket
aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket $BUCKET_NAME
- Create a file and name it to
folder. - Copy the content of file
inside it and fill the values.
Setup Secrets:
- Create a file with the name
folder. - Copy the contents of file
inside it and fill the values.
Run Terraform Commands:
- terraform init
docker compose -f infrastructure/.docker-compose.yml run --rm terraform init -backend-config=.backend.hcl
- terraform plan all
docker compose -f infrastructure/.docker-compose.yml run --rm terraform plan
- terraform plan aws
docker compose -f infrastructure/.docker-compose.yml run --rm terraform plan -target="module.aws"
- terraform apply all
docker compose -f infrastructure/.docker-compose.yml run --rm terraform apply --auto-approve
- terraform apply aws
docker compose -f infrastructure/.docker-compose.yml run --rm terraform apply -target="module.aws" --auto-approve
- terraform destroy all
docker compose -f infrastructure/.docker-compose.yml run --rm terraform destroy --auto-approve
- terraform destroy aws
docker compose -f infrastructure/.docker-compose.yml run --rm terraform destroy -target="module.aws" --auto-approve
- terraform output aws
docker compose -f infrastructure/.docker-compose.yml run --rm terraform output aws