#Gradle Dart Plugin
Provides gradle integration for Dart projects.
Contribution is highly welcome! Feel free to ask for contribution or fork the project as often as you want.
##Example usage
apply plugin: de.bolchsteinegger.gradle.plugin.DartPlugin
dart {
dartSdkHome: '/usr/share/dart-sdk'
relativeSourceDirectory: 'lib/src'
defaultTask 'pubGet', 'pubBuild', 'testDart'
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url "http://travep.de/maven/" }
dependencies {
classpath 'de.bolchsteinegger:gradle-dart-plugin:0.1.0'
##Available gradle tasks
- pubGet (resolves dependencies with pub get)
- pubUpgrade (upgrade project with latest versions of dependencies with pub upgrade)
- pubBuild (build project)
- pubServe (start a development server for your webapp)
- pubPublish (publishes the project with pub publish)
- analyseDart (alayses files in source folder)
- testDart (executes tests in test folder)
##Available settings
dartSdkHome / dartSdkBin
Default: empty string or 'DART_SDK' environment variable
Used for execution of dart commands. Set 'dartSdkHome' or 'dartSdkBin' if you don't have the dart sdk bin in your path variables.
Default: empty set
Additional parameters for command execution.
Default: Project directory (Location of build.gradle)
Directory of 'pubspec.yaml' file.
sourceDirectory / relativeSourceDirectory
$ProjectDirectory$ /lib/src (according to preferred project structure) -
Needed for analysing source files. The path can be set relative to the project directory.
Default: false
Define whether packages folder shall be analysed.
testDirectory / relativeTestDirectory
$ProjectDirectory$ /test (according to preferred project structure) -
Needed for executing tests. The path can be set relative to the project directory.
Default: false
Define whether packages folder shall be tested.