Run Xwayland in a Docker container.
You don't need an X server on host, you only need either weston
or kwin_wayland
to be installed.
You can run in X, in Wayland or from tty / console.
- Use x11docker to run image:
x11docker --wayland --weston --gpu x11docker/xwayland
To run empty Xwayland without a window manager:
x11docker --wayland --weston --gpu x11docker/xwayland sleep infinity
This example runs an X server (Xwayland
) in container without needing any X server on host.
As a sample X application it runs fvwm
window manager.
Adjust Dockerfile with your desired window manager or desktop environment, or create a new Dockerfile with x11docker/xwayland
as a base:
# afterstep window manager on Xwayland
FROM x11docker/xwayland
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends afterstep
CMD afterstep
- Persistent home folder stored on host with
- Shared host folder with
--share DIR
- Hardware acceleration with option
- Clipboard sharing with option
- Sound support with option
- With pulseaudio in image, sound support with
- Language locale settings with
--lang [=$LANG]
Look at x11docker --help
for further options.
You can run host applications on Xwayland in docker with:
mkdir /tmp/.X11-unix && chmod 1777 /tmp/.X11-unix # just to make sure it exists
read Xenv < <(x11docker --wayland --gpu --share /tmp/.X11-unix x11docker/xwayland)
env $Xenv libreoffice
Be aware that directory /tmp/.X11-unix
must already exist on host with permission 1777
will contain DISPLAY
of Xwayland. You can specify a custom display number with option --display N
You can also run a panel or another launcher to have access to all host applications.
A quite well integration provides launchy
that creates a working tray icon in container desktop or can be called with <CRTL><space>
Warning: Be aware that --sharedir /tmp/.X11-unix
shares host X unix socket, too.
If your host X allows access with xhost
(check output of plain xhost
), container applications can access it, too.
Evil applications can abuse that for keylogging and other awfull stuff.
Solution: You can remove xhost
authentication on host X with x11docker option --clean-xhost
Host applications then use the cookie in XAUTHORITY
that is not available for container applications.
A one-liner using options --display
and --clean-xhost
, and running launchy
from host after a delay to wait for Xwayland:
x11docker --display 50 \
--clean-xhost \
--runfromhost 'sleep 3 && DISPLAY=:50 launchy &' \
--share /tmp/.X11-unix \
--wayland \
--weston \
--gpu \
Xwayland in Docker container running window manager fvwm
and providing launchy
from host: