Create good looking invoices for gnucash using latex and python
Die in dieser Distribution von mir vorgenommenen Änderungen unterliegen, soweit nicht anders bezeichnet, der GNU General Public License.
All my changes are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License if no other license is named.
Weitegehende Infos im Wiki: []
- for Ubuntu 14.04:
sudo aptitude install texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-recommended python-gnucash texlive-lang-german pdflatex ipython
git clone
- scroll down to 'def main' and change input_url = '' to your gnucash connections (file, mysql, etc.) for MySQL it's mysql://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@<SERVER>/<DATABASE>
- Replace Benjamin_Franklein.pdf with your signature (source:
- adapt company.lco to fit your needs
python -l
python -n <YOUR_INVOICE_NO>