Visualization of CAN bus traffic via UDP interface
Tincan decodes and displays CAN frames. The default interface is via UDP socket and requires a gateway device, e.g. a Raspberry Pi 3 with a PiCAN2 HAT running cangw, or any CAN to UDP gateway that sends raw frames. Adding other interfaces can be done by adapting the dummy receiver.
- Import of frame, signal and value definitions from DBC files
- Live view of received frames and signals in a tree view.
- Simple trace view of frame and signal data
Building requires the Qt framework (Qt 5.12+ MinGW 7.3). The project file must be modified where absolute paths to boost and Asio were used. The other libs are part of the repo.
Tincan is using Qt, boost, Spirit X3, Asio, GSL, fmt, JSON and doctest.