Currently just a simple module used to backup reMarkable2 to a tar.gz file over USB using SFTP / SSH.
Initial run takes about 3-4 minutes to download files and 1-2 minutes for tar.gz creation. This portion will eventually have a progress bar but for now it will state "Download started" & "Starting creation of archive" when reporting progress.
Canceling and restarting will report directories already exist exceptions in /tmp paths but will re-download everything.
Eventual refactoring will feature 3 parts. CLI, TUI & GUI to test out some features using different frameworks.
Clone repo and cd to "cli" directory.
Make sure the reMarkable2 tablet is connected and screen is not sleeping.
git clone
cd reMarkable2_backup/cli/
Default run of will use the default values set in the class constructor. (init)
The defaults depend on a SSH key to access Remarkable as shown under "Tips" -> "Setting up ssh-keys"
To force password use please modify line 10 for entry "password=None" to a string value as shown.
def __init__(self, remote_path, destination, host='', port=22, username='root', password='password_goes_here', log='./paramiko.log'):
Leave the first path alone since this will be the data on the reMarkable2 tablet.
If you want to specify a different location for the backup's to be stored please change './backup/' to the path you require.
line 102 / 103
create_backup = RemarkableBackup('/home/root/.local/share/remarkable/xochitl/', './backup/')
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.