This is a codebase for a t-shirt selling website developed using Reactjs. It's backend is built using django rest framework. Find the backend codebase here.
Reactjs is a powerful front end library to build front end UI of web apps. In order to get started you need to know HTML, CSS, Javascript for starters. This is a codebase for a t-shirt selling website which provides all the major functionality that an e-commerce application needs such as Product list, categories, cart, order, payment etc etc. These can be managed through admin portal of django.
In order to run this web app you need to have the backend up and running.
To get started you need to have npm installed in your system.
- Fork this repo.
- Clone your forked repo.
- Create a new branch.
- In your project directory run
npm start
. (note: makesure your backend is up and running)
Right now front end is terrible. I am working on it to make the gui better. If you want to contribute you are more than welcomed.