MARBLE (Mining API Repositories for Boilerplate Lessening Effort) is an automated technique for identifying instances of boilerplate API client code. MARBLE adapts existing techniques, including an API usage mining algorithm, an AST comparison algorithm, and a graph partitioning algorithm.
This is an implementation of our boilerplate code mining approach from our paper:
title={MARBLE: Mining for Boilerplate Code to Identify API Usability Problems },
author={Nam, Daye and Horvath, Amber and Macvean, Andrew and Myers, Brad and Vasilescu, Bogdan},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 34rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering},
The paper and the results of MARBLE with 13 Java APIs are available here
Further documentations for the source code and scripts to run end-to-end mining will be available soon.
Currently, runnables for MARBLE are available for use, and you can find them under runnables/
or release tab. Example client code files and intermediate results for javax.xml.transform
mining are available under data/
This step collects client code files of target APIs from large repository. Before this step, place GitHub (or other) projects into one directory (e.g., data/repos in the example). Then,
only find client java files importing target APIs in api_list.txt
such as:
After this step, you will see directories under [output directory], data/source
, for each target API, each of which contains symlinks to client code files using the target API.
$ python3 -i data/repos/ -o data/source/ -p 8 -a data/api_list.txt
- -i Repository directory containing a number of java projects
- -o Output directory
- -p Number of threads to use
- -a API list file
This step is to extract API calls from the set of client code files using the target API, such as javax.xml.transform
. (We adjusted PAM's public implementation)
$ java -jar runnables/APICallExtractor.jar -sd data/source/ -od data/calls/ -pn javax.xml.transform -sn 123
- -sd Client code source directory (output directory of Step 0)
- -od Output directory
- -pn Package name
- -sn Sampling number (optional)
It will return javax_xml_transform.arff
which contains data about 1) caller file, 2) caller package, 3) caller method, and 4) sequences of API calls, like:
'jenkinsci.jenkins.WebAppMain','hudson','hudson.WebAppMain.contextInitialized(javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent)','javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.getName javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance'
'deeplearning4j.deeplearning4j.Configuration','org.datavec.api.conf','org.datavec.api.conf.Configuration.writeXml(','javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource.<init><init> javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newTransformer javax.xml.transform.Transformer.transform'
This step runs PAM (Probabilistic API Miner) to mine interesting API patterns from the list of API call sequences (We adjusted PAM's public implementation). It returns two files, PAM_seqs.txt
and MARBLE_logs.log
. PAM_seqs.txt
is the result file of PAM containing a list of usage patterns (i.e., sequences of API calls), and MARBLE_logs.log
has richer information about the usgae patterns, which will be used in the following steps.
$ java -jar runnables/PAM.jar -f data/calls/javax_xml_transform.arff -sd data/source/ -od data/output/
- -f arff file from API extraction (output file from Step 1)
- -sd Source directory
- -od Output directory
This step filters API usage patterns that are redundant or rare to reduce the false positive boilerplate candidates returned later.
$ python3 -i data/output/javax_xml_transform/MARBLE_logs.log -o data/output/javax_xml_transform/reduced_MARBLE_logs.log -mn 6
- -i Raw PAM log file (from step 2)
- -o Output log file after removing spurious patterns
- -mn Minimum support (we use [number of client code files] * 0.05 in the paper)
This step compares ASTs around API usage patterns to consider the structural context. It returns structural similarity scores between all pairs of client code files for each API usage pattern.
$ java -jar runnables/ASTComparison.jar -f data/output/javax_xml_transform/reduced_MARBLE_logs.log -sd data/source/javax_xml_transform/ -od data/output/javax_xml_transform/diff/ -ps 0 -pl 6 -p 2
- -f PAM log file after removing spurious patterns (from step 3)
- -sd Client code source directory
- -od Output directory
- -ps, -pl Start and the last index of PAM patterns to set the range of AST comparision (optional)
- p Number of threads to use (optional)
This step partitions graphs to capture the different contexts (structures) in which an API call sequence is being used.
$ python3 -i data/output/javax_xml_transform/
- -i Input directory containing AST diffs
This step generates a html file containing the final boilerplate candidates and client code examples using them.
$ python3 -i data/output/javax_xml_transform/ -o data/output/ -s data/source/javax_xml_transform -a javax_xml_transform
- -i Input directory containint
- -o Output directory
- -s Client code source directory
- -a API name with '_'