study lisp-unit which will be used in my future project
lisp-unit wiki help:
[lisp-unit-study]$ clisp run-my-max-tests.lisp
| Failed Form: (MY-SQRT (* I I))
| Expected 4 but saw 8
| I => 4
| Failed Form: (MY-SQRT (* I I))
| Expected 3 but saw 9/2
| I => 3
| Failed Form: (MY-SQRT (* I I))
| Expected 1 but saw 1/2
| I => 1
TEST-LOOP-ASSERTION: 2 assertions passed, 3 failed.
| Failed Form: NIL
| Expected T but saw NIL
ASSERT-TRUE-TEST: 0 assertions passed, 1 failed.
| Failed Form: (MY-MAX 3 2)
| Expected 2 but saw 3
FAILURE-TEST-MY-MAX: 0 assertions passed, 1 failed.
| Failed Form: (MY-MAX 3 5)
| Expected 3 but saw 5
NEGATIVE-TEST-MY-MAX: 0 assertions passed, 1 failed.
TEST-MY-MAX: 2 assertions passed, 0 failed.
Unit Test Summary
| 10 assertions total
| 4 passed
| 6 failed
| 0 execution errors
| 0 missing tests
*** - NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD: When calling
# with arguments (NIL), no
method is applicable.
[ lisp-unit-study]$
[ lisp-unit-study]$ clisp run-date-tests.lisp
| Failed Form: (DATE:STRING->DATE 4)
| Expected 3 but saw 4
TEST-STRING->DATE: 1 assertions passed, 1 failed.
TEST-DATE->STRING: 2 assertions passed, 0 failed.
Unit Test Summary
| 4 assertions total
| 3 passed
| 1 failed
| 0 execution errors
| 0 missing tests
[ lisp-unit-study]$
[ lisp-unit-study]$ clisp run-tag-tests.lisp
SUBTRACT-INTEGER: 3 assertions passed, 0 failed.
ADD-INTEGER: 3 assertions passed, 0 failed.
Unit Test Summary
| 6 assertions total
| 6 passed
| 0 failed
| 0 execution errors
| 0 missing tests
SUBTRACT-COMPLEX: 3 assertions passed, 0 failed.
SUBTRACT-FLOAT: 3 assertions passed, 0 failed.
SUBTRACT-INTEGER: 3 assertions passed, 0 failed.
Unit Test Summary
| 9 assertions total
| 9 passed
| 0 failed
| 0 execution errors
| 0 missing tests
[ lisp-unit-study]$