An updated fork/rewrite of (, which again is a fork/rewrite of simplify-js (
- Simplify lines using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm or Radial-Distance algorithm
- Simple syntax/usage, see below
- Configurable resolution
- Uses standard dotnet data structures (Vector3)
- Dependency free
See SimplifyShapesTests.cs for full code and more examples
var points = CreateHighResolutionSquare();
AreEqual(4 * 1001, points.Count);
var simplified = SimplifyUtility.SimplifyArray(points.ToArray());
// Note: 5 points, not 4, because we need to close the square
AreEqual(5, simplified.Count);
The following SVGs are generated using the SimplifyShapesTests.cs
- updated .Net version (now supports dotnet 6+)
- fixed spelling errors
- updated code to modern standard
- changed namespace to DV8.SimplifyLines to enable NuGet package
- changed data structure to Vector3, to enable hardware acceleration
A .NET port of simplify-js ( Polyline simplification library by Vladimir Agafonkin, extracted from Leaflet. For license see the original project or