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Adding New Features to FPP

Rob Bocchino edited this page Jan 28, 2025 · 35 revisions

This page explains how to add new features to FPP.

In general, when adding a new feature to FPP, we use the following procedure:

Not all steps are needed in all cases. For example, if there are no data structure, algorithm, or tool changes, then step 3 is not necessary; if there is new no code generation, then step 5 is not necessary; etc.

In the subsections below, we provide more detail on each step.

Revising the Specification

The specification is written in AsciiDoc and rendered to HTML. The AsciiDoc source lives in docs/spec. The rendered HTML lives at docs/fpp-spec.html.

Regenerating and Viewing the HTML

As you develop the FPP specification, you will need to regenerate the HTML from the AsciiDoc source. To do this you need some tools installed on your system. See the README file in the docs directory for details. After the tools are installed, you can run redo in the docs directory. This action regenerates the HTML for the specification and User’s Guide and copies the generated files into the docs directory, where they are checked in to the git repository.

The version of docs/fpp-spec.html that exists in the branch fpp/main is displayed at This is the version that is linked in the sidebar of this wiki. Thus, any changes you make to the spec won’t be visible on the wiki until those changes are merged into fpp/main. However, as you are developing the document you can load the HTML file into your browser and view it. This is the recommended way to develop the specification.

Because the HTML files are checked in to git, you may see conflicts when merging with other branches that revise the spec. To resolve any conflicts in the HTML files, just regenerate them and commit the new version.

Adding Lexical Elements

Here is how to add a new keyword (also called a reserved word) to the FPP specification:

  1. Add the keyword to the Lexical Elements section of the specification.

  2. Add the keyword to the variable FPP_KEYWORDS in docs/code-prettify/run_prettify.js. This step will update the syntax highlighting in the specification and User’s Guide.

  3. Add the keyword to editors/emacs/fpp-mode.el and editors/vim/fpp.vim. This step will update the syntax highlighting for the Emacs and vim editors.

To add or revise other lexical elements (e.g., to add a new kind of symbol), make the appropriate changes in the files listed above.

Adding Syntax and Semantics

To add a new element of syntax and semantics to the FPP specification, do the following:

  1. Decide where in the document the new element should go. If an element is a new member of an existing class of elements, then it should probably go in a new subsection alongside those elements. For example, a new kind of definition should go in a subsection of the Definitions section. A completely new element may require one or more new sections at the top level. For example, when we added state machine definitions to FPP, we added a new top-level section to the specification called State Machine Behavior Elements.

  2. Add the element to the AsciiDoc source, following the style of the existing specification. If possible, find an existing element that is as close as possible to the element you are adding, and follow the style of the specification for that element. Whenever you refer to an element described elsewhere, add a hyperlink to that element for easy cross reference.

  3. Review the rest of the spec, section by section, and identify all the places where the change you have made has an effect. For example:

    1. If you add a new kind of definition in a certain class of definitions, then any listing of the elements of that class must be updated.

    2. If the new element causes the behavior of other elements to change, then any specification that relies on the old behavior must be revised. For example, when we added the unmatched keyword for connection specifiers, we had to revise the description of the port matching algorithm to correctly handle unmatched ports.

  4. Make all the changes required by step 3, so the entire specification is complete and self-consistent.

Implementing and Testing New Syntax


To add to or revise the syntax in the FPP implementation, do the following:

  1. Revise the abstract syntax tree (AST), located at compiler/lib/src/main/scala/ast/Ast.scala. Depending on how you change the AST, you may need to revise other parts of the code to get the code to compile. In this case, the error messages from the Scala compiler will show you what to do. Fix the errors one at a time, always working from the first error in the output.

  2. If appropriate, update the AST visitor, located at compiler/lib/src/main/scala/ast/AstVisitor.scala. The AST visitor is a generic visitor for the AST elements. Several more specific visitors are derived from this one, but you usually don’t have to edit those; their features are automatically extended by updating the generic one.

  3. Revise the lexer and parser, located at compiler/lib/src/main/scala/syntax.

  4. Update the syntax-specific code generators.

    1. Update the AST writer, located at compiler/lib/src/main/scala/codegen/AstWriter.scala. This utility dumps the AST to a tree of text, for diagnostic and testing purposes.

    2. Update the FPP writer, located at compiler/lib/src/main/scala/codegen/FppWriter.scala. This utility writes the AST back out as FPP source.

Unit Tests

To update the unit tests for new syntax, do the following:

  1. If appropriate, update the ScalaTest syntax tests, located at compiler/lib/src/test/scala/syntax.

  2. Update the fpp-syntax tests, located at compiler/tools/fpp-syntax/test.

    1. Run ./update-ref in that directory to regenerate the test output. Run git diff . to check the differences. If everything looks good, commit the new test output to the repository.

    2. Add new tests or modify existing tests as necessary to test the new features. Run ./run to run all the tests.

  3. Update the fpp-format tests, located at compiler/tools/fpp-format/test. Proceed as described above for fpp-syntax.

In some cases, you may see that unit tests pass on your local machine but fail in CI when you make a pull request to nasa/fpp. There are two common causes of this behavior:

  1. You forgot to check in a file, so the file is present on your local machine but is missing in the CI build. To check for this case, run git status -u . and look for untracked files.

  2. You need to regenerate the trace files used to build the native image version of the tools. In this case CI will build native image tools, but it will fail when it runs the unit tests on those tools. To update the trace files, see here.

Updating the Wiki

To update the wiki, you can clone it to your local machine, commit changes, and push the changes back. To clone it locally, run the command git clone This operation should create a directory containing the AsciiDoc source files for the wiki. Running redo in that directory will generate one HTML file for each of the source files; you can then load the HTML files into your browser and view them without pushing content back to the wiki.


As necessary, update the Analysis page of the wiki.

  1. Revise or add any necessary data structures or state machine data structures.

  2. Revise or add any necessary algorithms. Note that the algorithm pages are hierarchical: you have to click through links in the more general pages to see the more specific algorithms. When adding new algorithms, try to follow the existing structure.


As necessary, update the Tools page of the wiki.

  1. If you are revising a tool, then update the description of its behavior.

  2. If you are adding a new tool, then add a description for it. Follow the style of the existing descriptions. Remember also to update the list of tools in the README file for fpp/compiler.

Implementing and Testing New Semantics


The FPP semantics implementation resides in compiler/lib/src/main/scala/analysis. To add to or revise the semantics implementation, do the following:

  1. Ensure that the analysis data structure in the Scala implementation conforms to the analysis data structure in the wiki. Do the same for the state machine analysis data structure in Scala and on the wiki.

  2. As necessary, revise or update the semantics concepts defined in compiler/lib/src/main/scala/analysis/Semantics. Ensure that they correspond to the FPP specification.

  3. Revise the analyzers, or add new analyzers, as appropriate. The analyzers provide common patterns for visiting the AST and doing analysis. They are based on the AST visitor that you updated when revising the syntax. For example, if you have added new types or expressions to the syntax, then you will need to update the TypeExpressionAnalyzer.

  4. As necessary, revise the algorithms for dependency checking located in compiler/lib/src/main/scala/analysis/ComputeDepencencies. Ensure that these correspond to the algorithm descriptions on the wiki.

  5. As necessary, revise the algorithms for semantic checking located in compiler/lib/src/main/scala/analysis/CheckSemantics. Ensure that these correspond to the algorithm descriptions on the wiki.

Unit Tests

Each FPP tool has a directory in compiler/tools that contains its top-level implementation. Each implementation handles command-line arguments, input, and output; then it calls into the library at compiler/lib/src/main/scala to do the work.

Each tool directory contains unit tests. When you make changes to the FPP semantics, you generally have to update the following sets of tests:

  • fpp-depend: These tests validate the dependency checking. Update these tests if you are adding new definitions or new uses that create new kinds of dependencies.

  • fpp-check: These tests validate the FPP semantics checking. You will need to add or revise tests to cover the new semantics features.

  • fpp-locate-defs: These tests validate the tool that finds definitions in the model and reports their locations. Update these tests if you are adding new kinds of definitions.

  • fpp-locate-uses: These tests validate the tool that reports the locations of definitions used in the model. Update these tests if you are adding new kinds of uses.

  • fpp-to-json: These tests validate the tool that generates a JSON version of the FPP model. When you modify the FPP semantics implementation, you may need to regenerate the test output for fpp-to-json. If you add semantics elements, you may need to extend the tests to cover them.

The procedure for updating tests is like what we described for updating syntax tests. When a test suite has multiple subdirectories with ./run scripts, there is a ./test script at the top level that you can use to run all the tests. For example, fpp-check/test has a ./test script. There is also an ./update-ref script at the top level that updates all the reference files in the subdirectories.

If your tests pass locally but fail in the CI for nasa/fpp, see the section on syntax tests for troubleshooting tips.

Implementing and Testing New Code Generation

The following are the main code generators used by the FPP implementation:

Name Purpose Location Used by


Writing the AST for diagnostic and testing purposes




Writing FPP source


fpp-format, fpp-locate-defs, fpp-locate-uses


Writing C++ files




Writing FPP dictionaries as JSON files




Writing Scala data structures as JSON objects




Writing layout input files from FPP topologies



Each code generator extends AstStateVisitor, which is an AstVisitor with state. The JSON code generators use a library called circe to perform the JSON encoding mostly automatically, with some help from manually written code. Each of the other code generators generates a list of lines. A line is a simple data structure representing a line with indentation. CppWriter generates its lines by first building an object from a class called CppDoc. The CppDoc object stores all the information needed to write out .hpp files and .cpp files as lines. Because generating CppDoc is easier than generating raw C++, this approach simplifies the code generator.


To add or extend a code generator, follow the existing patterns:

  • If you are extending an existing code generator, look for something that it is already doing that is similar to what you need to do. Use that behavior as a guide for coding the new behavior.

  • If you are adding a new code generator, look for an existing code generator that is similar. Then structure your code generator in a similar way.

Unit Tests

To update the unit tests for code generation, do the following:

  • If you are revising an existing code generator, then revise or add unit tests for that code generator. The procedure is similar to the one described for semantics unit tests.

  • If you are testing a new code generator, look at the existing tests for a similar code generator. Write your tests and supporting scripts in a similar way.

Some code generators, e.g., fpp-to-cpp, report information about what files are generated, so this information can be communicated to the F Prime build system. For these code generators, you may need to update the information that is reported. You also may need to add or update the tests for the fpp-filenames tool, which reports this information.

If your tests pass locally but fail in the CI for nasa/fpp, see the section on syntax tests for troubleshooting tips.

Checking C++ Compilation

The test directory for fpp-to-cpp contains a script called check-cpp. Running this script will verify that C++ compilation is working for the generated C++ code. Whenever you are submitting changes to fpp-to-cpp, you should run this script to make sure that C++ compilation works cleanly. If there are any compilation warnings or errors, you should fix them.

To run ./check-cpp, you must set the environment variable FPRIME in your shell to point to a working copy of the F Prime repository nasa/fprime, or a fork of nasa/fprime. The working copy must be set to a branch of nasa/fprime that is compatible with the version of fpp that exists in the directory fpp/compiler/bin. This is the directory that is updated when you run fpp/compiler/install.

The C++ compilation uses the header files in the F Prime repository at $FPRIME as much as possible. However, to avoid dependencies on the F Prime CMake build system, it maintains its own copies of FPP model files from the F Prime framework, and it runs fpp-to-cpp on the FPP files to generate local copies of header files. The FPP files are located at tools/fpp-to-cpp/test/fprime If you have revised or extended the C++ code generator, then you may have to revise or update these model files to match.

check-cpp at the top level is recursive: it runs check-cpp scripts in subdirectories. You can also run those scripts directly to check C++ compilation for particular parts of the code generation that you are working on.

Updating the User’s Guide

The procedure for updating the User’s Guide is similar to the procedure for revising the spec:

  • The AsciiDoc source lives at docs/users-guide. Running redo in the docs directory generates docs/fpp-users-guide.html. The version of this document in fpp/main is displayed on the wiki.

  • When updating a section that already exists, follow the same style.

  • When adding a new section, look for similar elements in other sections, and do something similar.

  • Make sure you review the entire User’s Guide for consistency. Make any changes elsewhere in the User’s Guide that are implied by the change you want to make.

Integration with F Prime

Building F Prime with an Unreleased Version of FPP

To integrate and test your FPP changes with F Prime, you will need to set up a working repository of F Prime that can build with your version of FPP. Here are the steps for doing this:

  1. Run ./install in the fpp/compiler directory.

  2. Run bin/fpp-check -h to get the git version info, for example:

    % bin/fpp-check -h
    fpp-check v2.3.0a1-41-g822410e1e
    Usage: fpp-check [options] [file ...]
      -h, --help               print this message and exit
      -u, --unconnected <file>
                               write unconnected ports to file
      file ...                 input files

    In this case the version info is v2.3.0a1-41-g822410e1e.

  3. Copy the contents of fpp/compiler/bin to the bin directory of the virtual environment for your F Prime installation.

  4. In your F Prime installation, do the following:

    1. Update requirements.txt to record the version information from step 2 for all the FPP tools.

    2. Purge all CMake build caches, e.g, by running find . -name 'build-fprime-*' | xargs rm -rf. This step will prevent the build system from using files generated by a previous version of FPP.

    3. Generate and build in the normal way for F Prime. Note that the generate and build steps may take longer than when using a released version of FPP, because a released version is a native binary program, whereas an unreleased version is a Java Archive (JAR) file executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Testing with F Prime

Minimal tests: Here is a minimal test to ensure that your development version of FPP works with F Prime:

  1. Run fprime-util generate --ut and fprime-util check --jobs 4 in FppTest.

  2. Run fprime-util generate and fprime-util build --jobs 4 at the top level.

  3. Run fprime-util generate --ut and fprime-util check --jobs 4 at the top level.

  4. Run fprime-util generate and fprime-util build --jobs 4 in Ref.

Adjust the argument to the --jobs flag as appropriate for your system. If any of these tests fails, then identify and correct the problem. If updates to nasa/fprime are required, then typically you would make them on a branch of a fork of nasa/fprime that corresponds to the branch of nasa/fpp (or a fork of nasa/fpp) on which your are developing your FPP changes.

Ref integration tests: Another step that is good to take from time to time (and before making an FPP pre-release as discussed below) is to run the Ref integration tests. In the Ref directory, do the following:

  1. In a shell, run fprime-util build.

  2. In another shell, run fprime-gds and wait until the GDS comes up.

  3. In the first shell, run fprime-pytest.

You should see green output, and the tests should pass. Otherwise, there is a problem to fix.

Adding or Revising FPP Tests

Many of the C++ code generation features of FPP are tested in the directory FppTest. If you are revising the C++ code generators, then you may need to add or revise tests in this directory.

  • To revise tests or add new tests to an existing test suite, follow the existing structure.

  • To add a new test suite, look at the existing test suites for guidance.

Making a Pull Request to F Prime

The final steps of F Prime and FPP integration are (1) making a pre-release of FPP that includes the latest development and (2) making a pull request to update F Prime to point to the pre-release. This step generally occurs after completing a major feature development in FPP, or after completing several smaller feature developments, or when preparing an official FPP release.

Here is the procedure:

  1. Make sure that all the FPP features you intend to integrate into F Prime have been merged into fpp/main. If this is not the case, then create, review, and merge appropriate pull requests to fpp/main.

  2. Create a branch of a fork of nasa/fprime that is in sync with the head of nasa/fprime/devel. Hereafter we will call this branch the F Prime branch. If the FPP version in fpp/main requires any changes to nasa/fprime/devel, then those changes should be present on the F Prime branch.

  3. On the F Prime branch, make sure that the FPP version in the head of fpp/main works properly, as discussed here.

  4. [Optional] Make a draft pull request to merge the F Prime branch into nasa/fprime/devel. At this point F Prime CI may fail, but it may still be useful to start the PR process by making a draft.

  5. Create an alpha release of FPP against fpp/main. See the Releases page in the FPP repo for examples.

  6. On your local copy of the F Prime branch, update requirements.txt on the F Prime branch to point to the alpha release of FPP. Spot check that F Prime works properly with the alpha release version. E.g., run the top-level unit tests and the unit tests in FppTest.

  7. If you created a draft pull request in step 4, then push the change to requirements.txt identified in step 6 to the F Prime branch. This step will re-trigger CI. Otherwise, create a new pull request to merge the F Prime branch into nasa/fprime/devel. This step will trigger CI for the first time. In either case, CI should pass or mostly pass, because requirements.txt points to a valid FPP version.

  8. If there are any CI failures, fix them. For example, sometimes changes in FPP require changes in other repositories, such as tutorial repositories.

Updating This Page

It is possible that, after adding a feature to FPP, you will need to update this page to keep it consistent. For example, if you add a new kind of code generator, then you will need to update the table of code generators in the section on code generation. If this is the case, then remember to update this page so that it accurately describes the current state of FPP development. For information on how to make the updates, see the section on updating the wiki.

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