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drome: The IO Monad and Friends for OCaml


OCaml sits at a "sweet spot" in the world of programming languages as it provides support for multiple programming paradigms, a powerful type system and novel abstractive capabilities. It is a friendly functional language well suited for beginners, but makes a tradeoff to achieve this status - it is neither pure nor lazy by default like its more advanced sister language Haskell. In an attempt to bridge this gap, we offer an implementation of the IO monad and related effect management utilities for OCaml.

Jane Street has previously addressed the effect system problem for OCaml by means of its algebraic effects library (White et. al. 2018, The OCaml ecosystem however seems to be missing a monadic option for effects, possibly due to the lack of higher kinded type abstraction in the language. Despite this limitation, we seek to demonstrate that the monadic approach to effect management can be implemented in a sane and user-friendly manner in OCaml. Given the presence of option, result and either monads (and their associated combinators) in the standard library, there is certainly room for an IO monad in the common functional programming style supported by OCaml. Further, we posit that monadic effects more naturally fit into the OCaml programming style than the callback-and-continuation algebraic style which also has a steeper, more mind-bending learning curve.

Our library is named drome after the versatile and hard-working Dromedary camel ubiquitous on the African continent. It takes its inspiration and design cues from an effects system for Scala called cats-effect (Spiewak et. al., At its core, drome is a domain specific language (DSL) for representing deferred IO computations embedded in OCaml as its host language. Indeed drome's data types represent a lightweight programming language which can be compiled and executed within other OCaml programs synchronously or asynchronously by target interpreters found in the IO module.

Getting Started

When developing drome programs we import a composite module aptly named Drome which combines the IO, Resource and RefIO modules under one namespace alongside the data types from our DSL. These are the only necessary modules for the end user to interact with. All of the demo code seen in this document is available in

open Drome;;
IO.(pure 42 |> unsafe_run_sync);;
  - : int = 42


Typeclasses represent small, interrelated pieces of functionality universally quantified over types and type constructors. They are are a central concept in strongly typed functional programming and it is thus assumed that the reader is at least partly familiar with Functor, Applicative and Monad.

The IO and Resource datatypes present in drome admit a subset of the typeclass hierarchy found in Haskell's Prelude or in Scala's cats library. There are also two extensions ApplicativeError and MonadError specifically useful for the IO type which support error handling capabilities. All typeclass instances live in the module. When importing any of drome's modules, the respective typeclass instances and special syntax are automatically included, so the user does not need to explicitly import typeclass instances.

Given the hierarchical nature of typeclasses, we are able to derive Applicative and Functor given a Monad instance so a "module-functor" is used to that end. The ApplicativeError class is implemented manually but the MonadError class is derived through a module-functor.

As a caveat, the end user should carefully scope their module imports due to the shared operator names between each typeclass instance. For example when using both IO and Resource together in a program, it is suggested to use module scoping syntax such as IO.(...) in place of open IO at the top of a file. This will prevent compile errors confusing duplicate operators such as Resource.(>>=) and IO.(>>=).

The IO Monad

So what is the IO monad exactly besides a way to defer computations? IO is defined as a generalized algebraic datatype (GADT) encoding the means by which we can construct, compose and modify side-effecting programs. The various functions and combinators used in the IO API build up a sequence of operations as a pure program. It is important to note that given the inherent laziness of IO, programs are descriptions of actions to be run at a later time just like code in a programming language. The DSL for IO is detailed below.

type _ io =
  | Pure : 'a -> 'a io
  | Suspend : 'a thunk -> 'a io
  | Bind : (('a -> 'b io) * 'a io) -> 'b io
  | Map : (('a -> 'b) * 'a io) -> 'b io
  | RaiseError : exn -> 'a io
  | Attempt : 'a io -> ('a, exn) result io
  | HandleErrorWith : ((exn -> 'a io) * 'a io) -> 'a io
  • The simplest constructor Pure lifts a pure value into the IO context, without any deferral.
  • Suspend captures a thunk (aka unit -> 'a), representing an IO action resulting in an 'a. It is the main constructor and is instantiated via IO.make.
  • Map encodes the typical map functionality, applying a function f : 'a -> 'b to an 'a io and resulting in a 'b io.
  • Bind encodes bind or "flatMap", representing the chaining of IO programs together through a function 'a -> 'b io. We will see that Bind is the most commonly used and strictly most powerful node in the entire DSL. In fact, Bind can be used to represent Map, but we maintain Map as separate due to specific optimizations we can perform on it.
  • RaiseError sequences an error to be thrown in the running of the program.
  • Attempt captures the first error arising from the program beneath it, yielding a result datatype with the error in the right channel.
  • HandleErrorWith captures errors discards them and provides a default value of type 'a io.

We'll begin our tour of the library with the canonical "hello world" example using IO. The main entry point for IO programs is the IO.make function which lifts a deferred computation into IO. Note: Results from executed programs are shown as comments below their respective code snippets.

open Drome

let hello = IO.make (fun _ -> print_endline "Hello world!");;

IO.unsafe_run_sync hello;;
  Hello world!
  - : unit = ()

Next, we want to show that IO programs can be composed together arbitrarily and even recursively. It should be noted that the possibility for infinite lazy recursion is not a small feat in drome, and is achieved using a technique known as "trampolining" (

To motivate this concept, imagine if one were to implement a simple looping type naively as type 'a loop = Loop of ('a loop) and attempt to recursively write the below function go. The OCaml runtime would crash when evaluating go because it creates an eagerly evaluated infinite data structure and causes a stack overflow.

type 'a loop = Loop of ('a loop);;

let rec go a = Loop (go a);;

go 1;;
  Stack overflow during evaluation (looping recursion?).

This problem is solved by introducing trampolining, specifically by modifying our loop type to contain a thunk evaluating to another loop. By deferring the next loop node, we create a lazy infinitely nested data structure!

(* thunk is defined in Util as the alias type 'a thunk = unit -> 'a *)
open Util;;

type 'a loop = Loop of ('a loop thunk);;

let rec go a = Loop (fun _ -> go a);;

go 1;;
  - : 'a loop = Loop <fun>

We can apply this same technique to the IO data type, and enable recursive binds between actions. In the example below, we use IO.make and the IO.(>>=) aka bind operator to create an infinitely looping read-and-print program.

  let read : string io = IO.make read_line
  let print (s : string) : unit io = IO.make (fun _ -> print_endline s)
  (* Combine read and print infinitely via trampolined bind *)
  let rec echo () : unit io = IO.( read >>= print >>= echo ) 

  (* Run synchronously *)
  IO.unsafe_run_sync echo;;

To aid in interpreting the echo function, let's break down what it does. We use the read function to lazily prompt the user at stdin then bind the resulting string into another action print which simply echoes the string back to stdout. The result of the print has type unit io, and since our echo function takes a unit argument, we bind into echo again. When desugared, the echo program infinitely expands outward as Bind (fun _ -> Bind (fun s -> Suspend (fun _ -> print_endline s), Suspend (fun _ -> read_line)), ...) but can be evaluated node by node thanks to the trampoline.

There is another interesting technique at work under the hood in this example. When the interpreter reaches a node containing Bind (f, Bind (g, rest)) it rearranges the two constructors using the associativity law for Monad ( to yield Bind (g >=> f, rest). The IO.(>=>) operator is known as "the fish" or Kleisli composition, and it chains two monadic functions together. In cases where there are infinitely nested binds, this property allows the interpreter to make a tail recursive call to itself and make progress rather than infinitely build up the call stack. See the implementation of IO.unsafe_run_sync for more.

Monad associativity as it translates to the IO DSL.

Bind (f, Bind (g, io))  =  (io >>= g) >>= f
Bind (g >=> f, io)      =  io >>= (fun x -> (g x) >>= f)

Of course, far more interesting programs than echo can be written with IO. Take for example the below set of functions which query a website until it yields an HTTP/200 OK response. The url value is an IO program randomly returning one of two test URLs that result in a 200 or 404, modeling a flaky service we would like to health-check. The status_of_url function sends a GET request to a given URL and returns its status code as an integer. In retry_til_ok we run status_of_url up to n times, utilizing the IO.attempt combinator to capture any runtime errors in a result type, and match on the response code. We use the recursive bind trick here to retry this function until a 200 response is received.

  open Cohttp
  open Cohttp_lwt_unix
  open Drome

  (* Return one of two URLs based on a coin toss *)
  let url : Uri.t io =
    IO.make (fun _ ->
        (if 2 = 0 then ""
        else "")
        |> Uri.of_string)

  (* GET a URL and convert its status to an integer *)
  let status_of_url (url : Uri.t) : int io =
    IO.make (fun _ ->
        Client.get url |> |> fst |> Response.status
        |> Code.code_of_status)

  (* Handle errors using the `attempt` combinator and return Ok when 200 *)
  let rec retry_til_ok (n : int) : (int, exn) result io =
    let open IO in
    if n = 0 then pure @@ Result.error (Failure "unable to reach test URL")
      url >>= fun u ->
      status_of_url u |> attempt >>= function
      | Result.Ok 200 -> pure (Result.ok 200)
      | _ ->
          print_endline "Failed, retrying";
          retry_til_ok (n - 1)

  retry_til_ok 10 |> IO.unsafe_run_sync;;
    Failed, retrying
    Failed, retrying
    - : (int, exn) result = Ok 200


The side-effecting actions we use are not always stateless. In many cases, we would like to perform effects on resources which require acquisition and cleanup steps. Enter Resource, a utility which builds on top of IO to support exactly this pattern. To construct a closeable resource we use the Resource.make function which accepts two arguments: acquire which is the action producing the resource of type 'a io, and release which is a function 'a -> unit io closing the resource. The release action will always run even if intermediate steps fail when using the resource, not unlike the "context manager" construct in Python or Java's try-catch-finally. Errors thrown during the usage of a resource will be sequenced after the resource has been finalized.

With Resource we can open a file handle, pipe all of its contents into a memory location then finally close the handle. In the below code snippet, we construct a Resource using our open_file and close functions. We can then execute an IO action on this self-closing file handle by calling Resource.use with drain_file. Our close function will, upon finalization, write a sentinel value to the memory location as well to prove that it ran. When we inspect the contents of the memory location after the file has been used, we see that the string "closed" is the last on the stack.

  (* open a file in IO context *)
  let open_file path = IO.make (fun _ -> open_in path)

  (* close file and write watermark `s` into memory location *)
  let close s mem c =
    IO.make (fun _ ->
        close_in c;
        (* add a watermark to prove finalizer was executed *)
        mem := s :: !mem)

  (* drain a file line by line into memory location *)
  let drain_file mem file =
    IO.make (fun _ ->
          while true do
            mem := input_line file :: !mem
        with End_of_file -> ())

  (* open file, write all contents to memory, close file, print contents *)
  let go _ =
    let mem = ref [] in
    let handle =
      Resource.make (open_file "test-data/file0") (close "closed" mem)
    let _ = Resource.use (drain_file mem) handle |> IO.unsafe_run_sync in
    List.iter print_endline !mem

  go ();;
    - : unit = ()

Resource is implemented as a typeclass-obedient datatype with its own constructors. Note here that there is no RMap - we rely on RBind to implement mapping behavior. The algebra for Resource compiles down to an IO program when the Resource.use interpreter is called.

type _ resource =
  | Allocate : ('a io * ('a -> unit io)) -> 'a resource
  | RPure : 'a -> 'a resource
  | RBind : (('a -> 'b resource) * 'a resource) -> 'b resource

In order to demonstrate some of Resource's typeclass capabilities, we reach for 3 different file handles and zip them together using the Applicative.( >*< ) aka zip operation. We allow the drain computation to fail as soon as one file has been exhausted, without a try-catch block. While allowing inexplicit exceptions to be thrown is not a suggested usage pattern, this example proves that that resources will be closed regardless of errors. See below how all three resource finalizers run in reverse order, and the arising error is maintained and resequenced.

  (* open a file in IO context *)
  let open_file path = IO.make (fun _ -> open_in path)

  (* close file *)
  let close s f =
    IO.make (fun _ ->
        print_endline ("closing " ^ s);
        close_in f)

  let file0, file1, file2 =
      ( make (open_file "./test-data/file0") (close "file0"),
        make (open_file "./test-data/file1") (close "file1"),
        make (open_file "./test-data/file2") (close "file2") )

  (* zip resources together, Applicative style *)
  let zipped = Resource.(file0 >*< file1 >*< file2)

  (* print file contents as triples *)
  let drain ((f0, f1), f2) : unit io =
    IO.make (fun _ ->
          while true do
            let x, y, z = (input_line f0, input_line f1, input_line f2) in
            print_endline (Printf.sprintf "%s, %s, %s" x y z)

  (* execute the program *)
  let go _ = Resource.use drain zipped |> IO.unsafe_run_sync

  go ();;
    file0-row0, file1-row0, file2-row0
    file0-row1, file1-row1, file2-row1
    file0-row2, file1-row2, file2-row2
    file0-row3, file1-row3, file2-row3
    closing file2
    closing file1
    closing file0
    Exception: End_of_file
    - : unit = ()


There is another useful datatype we can implement on top of IO called RefIO, in the literature simply referred to as Ref but renamed here to avoid confusion with OCaml's ref primitive. The RefIO type represents a purely functional reference that is thread-safe and supports atomic access without any locking primitives. RefIO's API is detailed below.

module type RefIO_API = sig
  type 'a f
  val make : 'a -> 'a f io
  val set : 'a -> 'a f -> unit io
  val get : 'a f -> 'a io
  val update : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a f -> unit io
  val modify : ('a -> 'a * 'b) -> 'a f -> 'b io

Every function modifying a purely functional reference is suspended in IO, and it is indeed the laziness of the IO type which allows atomic updates. Since any chain of actions performed on a RefIO (get, set, etc.) results in an IO, we declaratively build up a sequence of deferred actions to run in order when it comes time to execute.

Beyond atomicity in get and set, RefIO provides the update and modify functions which perform "get-then-set" actions at once with the underlying reference. This style of behavior is enabled by a simple concurrency trick called a "compare-and-swap loop" ( When performing an update or modification to the reference, an inner loop function will continually attempt to verify that the underlying reference has not changed since call time before it makes any changes.

In the example below we bring together multiple concepts from drome, using threads to asynchronously update a shared mutable database. We introduce a student datatype and a mutable database containing the students in a school.

The database value contains a reference to the initial state of the database, and a number of functions are composed to perform the update_database routine which processes a list of action objects against the database concurrently. Another routine called run_tardy_report counts the number of tardy students for the day and resets all tardy fields to false.

The updates occuring within update_database run in multiple OCaml threads via the IO.suspend_async' function. It is also worthwhile to note that the top level reference to database is pure since it is deferred and can only be mutated by direct reference to one instance of it. So without passing the same reference to both the update_database and run_tardy_report functions we will not be updating the same instance of the database. In the last example, we show that passing the same reference to an expression which runs both functions together will achieve successive transformations.

  (* student rows for database *)
  type student = { name : string; mutable age : int; mutable tardy : bool }

  (* actions observed during the school day *)
  type action =
    | RollCall of (string * bool)
    | Birthday of (string * int)
    | NewStudent of student

  (* a mutable database of students *)
  let database =
        { name = "Alice"; age = 13; tardy = false };
        { name = "Bob"; age = 12; tardy = true };
        { name = "Carol"; age = 13; tardy = false };

  let find_student (name : string) : student list -> student option =
    List.find_opt (fun s -> = name)

  let update_tardy (tardy : bool) (s : student) : unit = s.tardy <- tardy

  let update_age (age : int) (s : student) : unit = s.age <- age

  (* execute all actions against the database *)
  let run_actions (al : action list) (sl : student list) : student list =
      (fun db a ->
        match a with
        | RollCall (stu, b) ->
            let _ = (update_tardy b) (find_student stu db) in
        | Birthday (stu, age) ->
            let _ = (update_age age) (find_student stu db) in
        | NewStudent s -> s :: db)
      sl al

  (* dump database records to stdout *)
  let print_database (db : student list RefIO.f) : unit io =
      RefIO.get db >>= fun l ->
      make (fun _ ->
            (fun { name = n; age = a; tardy = t } ->
                (Printf.sprintf "{ name=%s; age=%i; tardy=%b }" n a t))

  (* tabulate tardy count and reset tardies for the next day *)
  let tardy_report : student list RefIO.f -> int io =
    RefIO.modify (fun l ->
        let count = List.(filter (fun s -> s.tardy) l |> length) in
        let _ = List.iter (fun s -> s.tardy <- false) l in
        (l, count))

  (* count and print tardies, printing the database afterward *)
  let run_tardy_report db =
    let open IO in
    tardy_report db >>= fun c ->
    make (fun _ -> print_endline (Printf.sprintf "%d students tardy today" c))
    *> print_database db

  (* school collects actions and updates the database daily, concurrently *)
  let update_database (l : action list) (db : student list RefIO.f) : unit io =
    let rolls, birthdays, news =
        (fun (r, b, n) a ->
          match a with
          | RollCall _ -> (a :: r, b, n)
          | Birthday _ -> (r, a :: b, n)
          | NewStudent _ -> (r, b, a :: n))
        ([], [], []) l
    let p0 = RefIO.update (run_actions rolls) db |> IO.suspend_async' in
    let p1 = RefIO.update (run_actions birthdays) db |> IO.suspend_async' in
    let p2 = RefIO.update (run_actions news) db |> IO.suspend_async' in
    IO.(p0 *> p1 *> p2 *> sleep 0.1 *> print_database db)

    (* run updates against the database *)
    IO.(database >>= 
      (update_database [
        Birthday ("Bob", 42);
        RollCall ("Alice", false);
        NewStudent ({name="Derek";age=11;tardy=false});
        RollCall ("Derek", true)]) |> unsafe_run_sync);;
      { name=Derek; age=11; tardy=true }
      { name=Alice; age=13; tardy=false }
      { name=Bob; age=42; tardy=true }
      { name=Carol; age=13; tardy=false }
      - : unit = ()

    (* run tardy report, modifying the database -- purity! *)
    IO.(database >>= run_tardy_report |> unsafe_run_sync);;
      1 students tardy today
      { name=Alice; age=13; tardy=false }
      { name=Bob; age=42; tardy=false }
      { name=Carol; age=13; tardy=false }
      - : unit = ()

   (* run updates and tardy report on the same instance of the database *)
      let prog =
        database >>= fun db ->
            NewStudent { name = "Derek"; age = 13; tardy = false };
            RollCall ("Derek", true);
            RollCall ("Alice", true);
        *> run_tardy_report db
      unsafe_run_sync prog)
      { name=Derek; age=13; tardy=true }
      { name=Alice; age=13; tardy=true }
      { name=Bob; age=12; tardy=true }
      { name=Carol; age=13; tardy=false }
      3 students tardy today
      { name=Derek; age=13; tardy=false }
      { name=Alice; age=13; tardy=false }
      { name=Bob; age=12; tardy=false }
      { name=Carol; age=13; tardy=false }
      - : unit = ()

Runtime Implementation

Finally we can briefly discuss the runtime implementations for IO programs available in drome. The central runtime which serves as the basis for the others is the interpreter called IO.unsafe_run_sync. This function performs optimizations such as map fusion ( and trampolined bind associativity while executing actions defined by the IO DSL. Optimizations occur by pattern matching a subsequent level when Bind or Map occurs in the program. As a result of these optimizations, this interpreter is tail-recursive and can thus be used on very large programs without stack overflow concerns.

In this document we've also made use of IO.unsafe_run_async' and IO.suspend async' which give the ability to run an IO program in another thread. The asynchronous components of the runtime rely on the main interpreter and the basic threading primitives found in OCaml. In the asynchronous runtimes we provide the option to run a callback on the results of the computation. Non-callback variants are tagged with a prime as in IO.unsafe_run_async'. It is acknowledged that in OCaml 4.11.x there is no true concurrency model, so the threads being "spawned" are merely coroutines. However even with the advent of proper concurrency our approach would still work, pushing the synchronous interpreter into a new thread.

The full fledged power of a synchronous IO runtime is best appreciated when other "languages" are transpiled into IO. For example in the case of Resource, we create a new DSL with its own semantics which can through the interpretation become an IO program. Indeed this concept can be taken to further a extent for future features such as cancelable asynchrony or thread scheduling.



IO monad and friends for OCaml








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