WhyLabs API that enables end-to-end AI observability
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.1
- Package version: 0.4.4
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://whylabs.ai
Python >= 3.6
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git
Then import the package:
import whylabs_client
Install via Setuptools.
python setup.py install --user
(or sudo python setup.py install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import whylabs_client
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import time
import whylabs_client
from pprint import pprint
from whylabs_client.api import alerts_api
from whylabs_client.model.get_alerts_paths_response import GetAlertsPathsResponse
from whylabs_client.model.segment_tag import SegmentTag
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = whylabs_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
configuration.api_key['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'Bearer'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with whylabs_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = alerts_api.AlertsApi(api_client)
org_id = "org-123" # str | Your company's unique organization ID
model_id = "model-123" # str | The unique model ID in your company. The model is created if it doesn't exist already.
start_timestamp = 1577836800000 # int | Start time exclusive
end_timestamp = 1893456000000 # int |
segment_tags = [
] # [SegmentTag], none_type | List of (key, value) pair tags for a segment. Must not contain duplicate values (optional)
version = "" # str, none_type | the version of the alert in case we have multiple schemas (optional)
# Get the alerts for a given time period.
api_response = api_instance.get_alerts_paths(org_id, model_id, start_timestamp, end_timestamp, segment_tags=segment_tags, version=version)
except whylabs_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AlertsApi->get_alerts_paths: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AlertsApi | get_alerts_paths | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/alerts/models/{model_id}/paths | Get the alerts for a given time period. |
ApiKeyApi | create_api_key | POST /v0/organizations/{org_id}/api-key | Generate an API key for a user. |
ApiKeyApi | get_api_key | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/api-key/{key_id} | Get an api key by its id |
ApiKeyApi | list_api_keys | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/api-key | List API key metadata for a given organization and user |
ApiKeyApi | revoke_api_key | DELETE /v0/organizations/{org_id}/api-key | Revoke the given API Key, removing its ability to access WhyLabs systems |
DatasetProfileApi | delete_analyzer_results | DELETE /v0/organizations/{org_id}/dataset-profiles/models/{dataset_id}/analyzer-results | Deletes a set of analyzer results |
DatasetProfileApi | delete_dataset_profiles | DELETE /v0/organizations/{org_id}/dataset-profiles/models/{dataset_id} | Deletes a set of dataset profiles |
EventsApi | get_events_data | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/events/models/{model_id}/data | Get the event data as multi-line JSON for a given time period. |
FeatureWeightsApi | get_column_weights | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/dataset/{dataset_id}/weights | Get column weights for the specified dataset |
FeatureWeightsApi | put_column_weights | PUT /v0/organizations/{org_id}/dataset/{dataset_id}/weights | Put column weights for the specified dataset |
LogApi | log | POST /v0/organizations/{org_id}/log | Log a dataset profile entry to the backend |
LogApi | log_async | POST /v0/organizations/{org_id}/log/async/{dataset_id} | Like /log, except this api doesn't take the actual profile content. It returns an upload link that can be used to upload the profile to. |
LogApi | log_reference | POST /v0/organizations/{org_id}/log/reference/{model_id} | Returns a presigned URL for uploading the reference profile to. |
MembershipApi | create_membership | POST /v0/membership | Create a membership for a user, making them apart of an organization. Uses the user's current email address. |
MembershipApi | create_organization_membership | POST /v0/organizations/{org_id}/membership | Create a membership for a user, making them apart of an organization. Uses the user's current email address. |
MembershipApi | get_default_membership_for_email | GET /v0/membership/default | Get the default membership for a user. |
MembershipApi | get_memberships | GET /v0/membership/user/{user_id} | Get memberships for a user. |
MembershipApi | get_memberships_by_email | GET /v0/membership/user | Get memberships for a user given that user's email address. |
MembershipApi | get_memberships_by_org | GET /v0/membership/org/{org_id} | Get memberships for an org. |
MembershipApi | list_organization_memberships | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/membership | List organization memberships |
MembershipApi | remove_membership_by_email | DELETE /v0/membership | Removes membership in a given org from a user, using the user's email address. |
MembershipApi | remove_organization_membership | DELETE /v0/organizations/{org_id}/membership | Removes membership in a given org from a user, using the user's email address. |
MembershipApi | set_default_membership | POST /v0/membership/default | Sets the organization that should be used when logging a user in |
MembershipApi | update_membership_by_email | PUT /v0/membership | Updates the role in an membership |
MembershipApi | update_organization_membership | PUT /v0/organizations/{org_id}/membership | Updates the role in an membership |
ModelsApi | create_model | POST /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models | Create a model with a given name and a time period |
ModelsApi | deactivate_model | DELETE /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{model_id} | Mark a model as inactive |
ModelsApi | delete_analyzer | DELETE /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/monitor-config/analyzer/{analyzer_id} | Delete the analyzer config for a given dataset. |
ModelsApi | delete_entity_schema_column | DELETE /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/schema/column/{column_id} | Delete the entity schema of a single column for a given dataset. |
ModelsApi | delete_monitor | DELETE /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/monitor-config/monitor/{monitor_id} | Delete the monitor for a given dataset. |
ModelsApi | get_analyzer | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/monitor-config/analyzer/{analyzer_id} | Get the analyzer config for a given dataset. |
ModelsApi | get_entity_schema | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/schema | Get the entity schema config for a given dataset. |
ModelsApi | get_entity_schema_column | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/schema/column/{column_id} | Get the entity schema of a single column for a given dataset. |
ModelsApi | get_model | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{model_id} | Get a model metadata |
ModelsApi | get_monitor | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/monitor-config/monitor/{monitor_id} | Get the monitor config for a given dataset. |
ModelsApi | get_monitor_config_v2 | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{model_id}/monitor-config/v2 | Get the monitor config for a given model or segment. The return of this api will include default values that we apply over any config that omits portions of the monitor config schema. |
ModelsApi | get_monitor_config_v3 | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/monitor-config/v3 | Get the monitor config document for a given dataset. |
ModelsApi | get_monitor_config_v3_version | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/monitor-config/v3/versions/{version_id} | Get the monitor config document version for a given dataset. |
ModelsApi | list_models | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models | Get a list of all of the model ids for an organization. |
ModelsApi | list_monitor_config_v3_versions | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/monitor-config/v3/versions | List the monitor config document versions for a given dataset. |
ModelsApi | list_segments | GET /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{model_id}/segments | Get a model metadata |
ModelsApi | put_analyzer | PUT /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/monitor-config/analyzer/{analyzer_id} | Save the analyzer config for a given dataset. |
ModelsApi | put_entity_schema | PUT /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/schema | Save the entity schema config for a given dataset. |
ModelsApi | put_entity_schema_column | PUT /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/schema/column/{column_id} | Save the entity schema of a single column for a given dataset. |
ModelsApi | put_monitor | PUT /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/monitor-config/monitor/{monitor_id} | Save the monitor for a given dataset. |
ModelsApi | put_monitor_config_v2 | PUT /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{model_id}/monitor-config/v2 | Save the monitor config for a given model or segment |
ModelsApi | put_monitor_config_v3 | PUT /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/monitor-config/v3 | Save the monitor config document for a given dataset. |
ModelsApi | put_request_monitor_run_config | PUT /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/request-monitor-run | Put the RequestMonitorRun config into S3. |
ModelsApi | put_segments | PUT /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{model_id}/segments | Add a segment to the dataset |
ModelsApi | update_model | PUT /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{model_id} | Update a model's metadata |
ModelsApi | validate_monitor_config_v3 | PUT /v0/organizations/{org_id}/models/{dataset_id}/monitor-config/v3/validate | Validate the monitor config document for a given dataset. |
NotificationSettingsApi | delete_notification_action | DELETE /v0/notification-settings/{org_id}/actions/{action_id} | Delete notification action |
NotificationSettingsApi | get_email_notification_action_payload | GET /v0/notification-settings/actions/email/payload | Get dummy notification action payload |
NotificationSettingsApi | get_notification_action | GET /v0/notification-settings/{org_id}/actions/{action_id} | Get notification action for id |
NotificationSettingsApi | get_notification_settings | GET /v0/notification-settings/{org_id} | Get notification settings for an org |
NotificationSettingsApi | get_pager_duty_notification_action_payload | GET /v0/notification-settings/actions/pagerduty/payload | Get dummy notification action payload |
NotificationSettingsApi | get_slack_notification_action_payload | GET /v0/notification-settings/actions/slack/payload | Get dummy notification action payload |
NotificationSettingsApi | list_notification_actions | GET /v0/notification-settings/{org_id}/actions | List notification actions for an org |
NotificationSettingsApi | put_notification_action | PUT /v0/notification-settings/{org_id}/actions/{type}/{action_id} | Add new notification action |
NotificationSettingsApi | update_notification_action | PATCH /v0/notification-settings/{org_id}/actions/{type}/{action_id} | Update notification action |
NotificationSettingsApi | update_notification_settings | POST /v0/notification-settings/{org_id} | Update notification settings for an org |
SessionsApi | close_session | POST /v0/sessions/{session_token}/close | naddeo Close a session, triggering its display in whylabs and making it no longer accept any additional data. |
SessionsApi | create_dataset_profile_upload | POST /v0/sessions/{session_token}/upload | Create an upload for a given session. |
SessionsApi | create_session | POST /v0/sessions | Create a new session that can be used to upload dataset profiles from whylogs for display in whylabs. |
SessionsApi | get_session | GET /v0/sessions/{session_token} | Get information about a session. |
- AWSMarketplaceMetadata
- ActionType
- AddMembershipRequest
- AlertsPath
- AsyncLogResponse
- CloseSessionResponse
- ColumnSchema
- CreateSessionResponse
- CreateSessionUploadResponse
- CreateUserRequest
- DTOAutoScaleDTO
- DTOAwsAttributesDTO
- DTOAwsAvailabilityDTO
- DTOClusterLogConfDTO
- DTOCronScheduleDTO
- DTODbfsStorageInfoDTO
- DTOEbsVolumeTypeDTO
- DTOJobEmailNotificationsDTO
- DTOJobSettingsDTO
- DTONewClusterDTO
- DTONotebookTaskDTO
- DTOS3StorageInfoDTO
- DTOSparkJarTaskDTO
- DTOSparkPythonTaskDTO
- DTOSparkSubmitTaskDTO
- DatabricksConnection
- DatasetRequestMonitorConfig
- DatatypeMonitorRequestConfig
- DeleteAnalyzerResultsResponse
- DeleteDatasetProfilesResponse
- DistributionMonitorRequestConfig
- EmailNotificationAction
- EntitySchema
- EntityWeightRecord
- EntityWeightRecordMetadata
- EventsPath
- FeatureFlags
- GetAlertsPathsResponse
- GetConnectionRequest
- GetConnectionResponse
- GetDefaultMembershipResponse
- GetEventsPathResponse
- GetMarketplaceMetadataResponse
- GetMembershipsResponse
- GetMonitorConfigV2Response
- GetNotificationSettingsResponse
- GetSessionResponse
- InlineObject
- ListJobsRequest
- ListJobsResponse
- ListModelsResponse
- ListOrganizationMembershipsResponse
- ListSegmentsResponse
- ListUserApiKeys
- LogAsyncRequest
- LogReferenceRequest
- LogReferenceResponse
- LogResponse
- MarketplaceDimensions
- Membership
- MembershipMetadata
- MissingRecentDataRequestConfig
- MissingRecentProfilesRequestConfig
- MissingValuesMonitorRequestConfig
- ModelMetadata
- ModelType
- MonitorConfig
- MonitorConfigVersion
- MonitorRequestReference
- MonitorRequestReferenceType
- NotificationAction
- NotificationSettings
- NotificationSettingsDay
- NotificationSqsMessageCadence
- OrganizationMetadata
- OrganizationSummary
- PagerDutyNotificationAction
- ProvidedConfig
- ProvisionDatabricksConnectionRequest
- ProvisionDatabricksConnectionResponse
- ProvisionNewAWSMarketplaceUserResponse
- ProvisionNewMarketplaceUserRequest
- ProvisionNewUserRequest
- ProvisionNewUserResponse
- ReferenceProfileItemResponse
- RefreshAccessTokenRequest
- RefreshConnectionByOrgIdResponse
- RefreshConnectionRequest
- RegisterDatabricksConnectionRequest
- RegisterDatabricksConnectionResponse
- RemoveMembershipRequest
- RequestFeatureMonitorConfig
- RequestMonitorConfig
- Role
- RunJobRequest
- RunJobResponse
- SchemaMetadata
- SeasonalARIMARequestConfig
- Segment
- SegmentMetadata
- SegmentSummary
- SegmentTag
- SegmentWeight
- SessionMetadata
- SetDefaultMembershipRequest
- SlackNotificationAction
- SubscriptionTier
- TimePeriod
- UberNotificationSchedule
- UniqueValuesMonitorRequestConfig
- UpdateConnectionChanges
- UpdateConnectionRequest
- UpdateMembershipRequest
- User
- UserApiKey
- UserApiKeyResponse
- WhyLogsMetric
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-API-Key
- Location: HTTP header
If the OpenAPI document is large, imports in whylabs_client.apis and whylabs_client.models may fail with a RecursionError indicating the maximum recursion limit has been exceeded. In that case, there are a couple of solutions:
Solution 1: Use specific imports for apis and models like:
from whylabs_client.api.default_api import DefaultApi
from whylabs_client.model.pet import Pet
Solution 2: Before importing the package, adjust the maximum recursion limit as shown below:
import sys
import whylabs_client
from whylabs_client.apis import *
from whylabs_client.models import *