Metasploit payload generator that avoids most Anti-Virus products.
Released as open source by NCC Group Plc -
Developed by Daniel Compton, daniel dot compton at nccgroup dot com
Released under AGPL see LICENSE for more information
=================================== Updated 08/2015 by Jason Soto, jason_soto [AT] jsitech [DOT] com
Updated 12/2015
Removed use of ifconfig for more Distro Compatibility, Using "ip route" for ip Detection
Added gcc compiler use condition for use in Arch Based Distros
Using "msfconsole -x" for auto Listener launching instead of resource file
Code Cleanup
Twitter = @JsiTech
Tested on Kali Linux
git clone
chmod +x the file before use.
Then follow the on screen prompts.
- Easily generate a Metasploit executable payload to bypass Anti-Virus detection
- Local or remote listener generation
- Disguises the executable file with a PDF icon
- Executable opens minimised on the victims computer
- Automatically creates AutoRun files for CDROM exploitation
Version 1.5 - Official release.