🔭 Currently Working On:
I am developing robust backend solutions using Java, Python, and JavaScript. I enjoy building scalable applications and exploring frameworks like Spring Boot, Django, FASTAPI, and Express.js. Additionally, I'm enhancing my Android skills by working on projects with Jetpack Compose and Kotlin.
👯 Looking to Collaborate On:
Exciting projects involving backend development, API design, Android development with Kotlin, and the intersection of technology and machine learning.
🤝 Seeking Help With:
Deepening my knowledge in machine learning and AI. I'm eager to learn from experienced practitioners and expand my understanding of advanced ML techniques and applications.
🌱 Currently Learning:
Spring Boot, Django, and Express for backend development, as well as Kotlin for Android development.
💬 Ask Me About:
Backend development using Java, Python, or JavaScript, along with my experience in frameworks like Spring Boot, Django, FASTAPI, Express.js, and Jetpack Compose.
⚡ Fun Fact:
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