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Management RPC

Beside the NEB API RPC interface nebulas provides additional management APIs. Neb console supports both API and management interfaces. Management RPC uses the same gRPC and HTTP port, which also binds NEB API RPC interfaces.

Nebulas provide both gRPC and RESTful management APIs for users to interact with Nebulas. Our admin proto file defines all admin APIs. We recommend using the console access admin interfaces, or restricting the admin RPC to local access.

Default management RPC Endpoint:

API URL Protocol
gRPC http://localhost:8684 Protobuf
RESTful http://localhost:8685 HTTP

Management RPC methods

Management RPC API Reference


Return the p2p node info.

Protocol Method API
gRpc NodeInfo
HTTP GET /v1/admin/nodeinfo



id the node ID.

chain_id the block chainID.

coninbase coinbase

peer_count Number of peers currenly connected.

synchronized the node synchronized status.

bucket_size the node route table bucket size.

protocol_version the network protocol version.

RouteTable*[] route_table the network routeTable

message RouteTable {
	string id = 1;
	repeated string address = 2;
HTTP Example
// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET http://localhost:8685/v1/admin/nodeinfo

// Result


Return account list.

Protocol Method API
gRpc Accounts
HTTP GET /v1/admin/accounts



addresses account list

HTTP Example
// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET http://localhost:8685/v1/admin/accounts

// Result


NewAccount create a new account with passphrase.

Protocol Method API
gRpc NewAccount
HTTP POST /v1/admin/account/new

passphrase New account passphrase.


address New Account address.

HTTP Example
// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/admin/account/new -d '{"passphrase":"passphrase"}'

// Result



UnlockAccount unlock account with passphrase. After the default unlock time, the account will be locked.

Protocol Method API
gRpc UnLockAccount
HTTP POST /v1/admin/account/unlock

address UnLock account address.

passphrase UnLock account passphrase.

duration Unlock accout duration. The unit is ns (10e-9 s).


result UnLock account result, unit is ns.

HTTP Example
// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/admin/account/unlock -d '{"address":"n1czGUvbQQton6KUWga4wKDLLKYDEn39mEk","passphrase":"passphrase","duration":"1000000000"}'

// Result


LockAccount lock account.

Protocol Method API
gRpc LockAccount
HTTP POST /v1/admin/account/lock

address Lock account address.


result Lock account result.

HTTP Example
// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/admin/account/lock -d '{"address":"n1czGUvbQQton6KUWga4wKDLLKYDEn39mEk"}'

// Result


SignTransactionWithPassphrase sign transaction. The transaction's from addrees must be unlocked before sign call.

Protocol Method API
gRpc SignTransactionWithPassphrase
HTTP POST /v1/admin/sign

transaction this is the same as the SendTransaction parameters.

passphrase from account passphrase


data Signed transaction data.

sign normal transaction Example
// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/admin/sign -d '{"transaction":{"from":"n1QZMXSZtW7BUerroSms4axNfyBGyFGkrh5","to":"n1QZMXSZtW7BUerroSms4axNfyBGyFGkrh5", "value":"1000000000000000000","nonce":1,"gasPrice":"1000000","gasLimit":"2000000"}, "passphrase":"passphrase"}'

// Result


SendTransactionWithPassphrase send transaction with passphrase.

Protocol Method API
gRpc SendTransactionWithPassphrase
HTTP POST /v1/admin/transactionWithPassphrase

transaction transaction parameters, which is the same as the SendTransaction parameters.

passphrase From address passphrase.


txhash transaction hash.

contract_address returns only for deploy contract transaction.

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/admin/transactionWithPassphrase -d '{"transaction":{"from":"n1QZMXSZtW7BUerroSms4axNfyBGyFGkrh5","to":"n1QZMXSZtW7BUerroSms4axNfyBGyFGkrh5", "value":"1000000000000000000","nonce":1,"gasPrice":"1000000","gasLimit":"2000000"},"passphrase":"passphrase"}'

// Result


Send the transaction. Parameters from, to, value, nonce, gasPrice and gasLimit are required. If the transaction is to send contract, you must specify the contract.

Protocol Method API
gRpc SendTransaction
HTTP POST /v1/admin/transaction

from Hex string of the sender account addresss.

to Hex string of the receiver account addresss.

value Amount of value sending with this transaction. The unit is Wei (10^-18 NAS).

nonce Transaction nonce.

gas_price gasPrice sending with this transaction.

gas_limit gasLimit sending with this transaction.

type transaction payload type. If the type is specified, the transaction type is determined and the corresponding parameter needs to be passed in, otherwise the transaction type is determined according to the contract and binary data. [optional]

  • type enum:
    • binary: normal transaction with binary
    • deploy: deploy smart contract
    • call: call smart contract function

contract transaction contract object for deploy/call smart contract. [optional]

  • Sub properties:
    • source contract source code for deploy contract.
    • sourceType contract source type for deploy contract. Currently support js and ts
      • js the contract source write with javascript.
      • ts the contract source write with typescript.
    • function the contract call function for call contarct function.
    • args the params of contract. The args content is JSON string of parameters array.

binary any binary data with a length limit = 64bytes. [optional]


  • from = to when deploy a contract, the to address must be equal to from address.

  • nonce the value is plus one(+1) on the nonce value of the current from address. Current nonce can get from GetAccountState.

  • gasPrice and gasLimit need for every transaction. We recommend taking them use GetGasPrice and EstimateGas.

  • contract parameter only need for smart contract deploy and call. When a smart contract is deployed, the source and sourceType must be specified, the args is optional and passed in when the initialization function takes a parameter. The function field is used to call the contract method.


txhash transaction hash.

contract_address returns only for deploying contract transaction.

Normal Transaction Example
// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/admin/transaction -d '{"from":"n1QZMXSZtW7BUerroSms4axNfyBGyFGkrh5","to":"n1SAeQRVn33bamxN4ehWUT7JGdxipwn8b17", "value":"1000000000000000000","nonce":1,"gasPrice":"20000000000","gasLimit":"2000000"}'

// Result
Deploy Smart Contract Example
// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/admin/transaction -d '{"from":"n1QZMXSZtW7BUerroSms4axNfyBGyFGkrh5","to":"n1QZMXSZtW7BUerroSms4axNfyBGyFGkrh5", "value":"0","nonce":2,"gasPrice":"20000000000","gasLimit":"2000000","contract":{
"source":"\"use strict\";var BankVaultContract=function(){LocalContractStorage.defineMapProperty(this,\"bankVault\")};BankVaultContract.prototype={init:function(){},save:function(height){var deposit=this.bankVault.get(Blockchain.transaction.from);var value=new BigNumber(Blockchain.transaction.value);if(deposit!=null&&deposit.balance.length>0){var balance=new BigNumber(deposit.balance);}var content={balance:value.toString(),height:Blockchain.block.height+height};this.bankVault.put(Blockchain.transaction.from,content)},takeout:function(amount){var deposit=this.bankVault.get(Blockchain.transaction.from);if(deposit==null){return 0}if(Blockchain.block.height<deposit.height){return 0}var balance=new BigNumber(deposit.balance);var value=new BigNumber(amount);if(balance.lessThan(value)){return 0}var result=Blockchain.transfer(Blockchain.transaction.from,value);if(result>0){deposit.balance=balance.dividedBy(value).toString();this.bankVault.put(Blockchain.transaction.from,deposit)}return result}};module.exports=BankVaultContract;","sourceType":"js", "args":""}}'

// Result
Call Smart Contract Function Example
// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/admin/transaction -d '{"from":"n1QZMXSZtW7BUerroSms4axNfyBGyFGkrh5","to":"n21Y7arNbUfLGL59xgnA4ouinNxyvz773NW", "value":"0","nonce":3,"gasPrice":"20000000000","gasLimit":"2000000","contract":{"function":"save", "args":"[10000]"}}'

// Result


SignHash sign the hash of a message.

Protocol Method API
gRpc SignHash
HTTP POST /v1/admin/sign/hash

address Sign address

hash A sha3256 hash of the message, base64 encoded.

alg Sign algorithm

  • 1 SECP256K1

data Signed transaction data.

sign normal transaction Example
// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/admin/sign/hash -d '{"address":"n1QZMXSZtW7BUerroSms4axNfyBGyFGkrh5","hash":"W+rOKNqs/tlvz02ez77yIYMCOr2EubpuNh5LvmwceI0=","alg":1}'

// Result


StartPprof starts pprof

Protocol Method API
gRpc Pprof
HTTP POST /v1/admin/pprof

listen the address to listen


result start pprof result

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/admin/pprof -d '{"listen":""}'

// Result


GetConfig return the config current neb is using

Protocol Method API
gRpc GetConfig
HTTP GET /v1/admin/getConfig



config neb config

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET http://localhost:8685/v1/admin/getConfig

// Result