- Salary scraping stores the Python code used to do web scraping
- data stores the original data prior to processing in R
- graphs stores some graphs used in the paper
- nela images stores some graphs used in the paper
- utility stores R code used to process the data and add columns
- .RData and .Rhistory are default to R
- .gitignore is self-explanatory
- ashLinearModels.R is Ashley's code for performing linear regression for grade prediction
- data-with-inflation.csv includes salary adjusted for inflation
- data-with-salary-class.csv contains salary classes for Naive Bayes
- data-with-salary-class2.csv contains different salary classes for Naive Bayes
- salaryLinearModels.R is Nela's code for performing linear regression for salary prediction
- trevNaiveBayesCode.R is Trevor's code for performing Naive Bayes for salary prediction