The reinforcement learning PPO agent that plays Super Mario Bros in emulated environment.
Requirements: python 3.5+
and pip
Install dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt
NOTE It is recommended to install dependencies in virtual environment.
Some pretrained models are uploaded to models/
To run an agent on world 1 and stage 1 run
python --world=1 --stage=1
See python -h
for more options.
Agent runs until it finishes given level. If agent dies, level is restarted.
Agent can be stopped with CTRL + C
Training process is started with
All available arguments and their default values are described in Training visualization is done with tensorboard, so after starting training process run
tensorboard --logdir runs/<training-timestamp>
to start tensorboard server. <training-timestamp>
corresponds to timestamp
when python
is executed.
RL algorithms hide a lot of implementation tricks and they are highly sensitive to parameters change. Often, it is painful to search for an optimal actor-critic architecture, observation image preprocessing steps, etc.
This section provides information about such tricks that are used to successfully train an agent to play Super Mario Bros game.
State (observation) is a single in-game frame. Frames are converted to grayscale and resized from 256x224 to 96x90 pixels. Grayscale frame speeds up training and it takes less GPU memory.
One in-game second takes 25 frames. Consequently, those 25 frames are very similar, just like actions that are taken in those frames (states) and rewards. This slows down training. To overcome this problem, stochastic frame skipping is used where each n-th frame is taken as state, and provided action is repeated with probability p. Rewards are summed over skipped frames.
Possible actions correspond to valid NES controller button combinations:
right + A,
right + B,
right + A + B,
left + A,
left + B,
left + A + B,
where A
is jump, and B
is sprint/fire action.
The reward function assumes the objective of the game is to move as far right as possible (increase the agent's x value), as fast as possible, without dying. Total reward is calculated as:
R = V + T + D + S
is the difference in agent x coordinate values between states,T
is the difference in the game clock between frames,D
is a death penalty that penalizes the agent for dying in a state or a level completed reward if agent gets to the flag at the end of level,S
is the difference in in-game score between frames.
Total reward is scaled down by some factor.
Current state (grayscale frame) and previously taken actions are input to a actor-critic network. Frame goes through convolutional block, while previous actions are one-hot encoded and passed through a fully-connected layer. Those two outputs are concatenated and passed to another fully-connected layer. After that, output is passed to GRU with previous hidden state. Finally, GRU output is goes through 2 separate fully-connected layers corresponding to state value and action distribution.
This project is provided for educational purposes only. It is not affiliated with and has not been approved by Nintendo.