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Emmet completion support for coc.nvim

Fork of emmet extension from VSCode with only completion support.

Note: this. extension does completion support for emmet only, you should use


In your vim/neovim, run command:

:CocInstall coc-emmet


  • <C-n> and <C-p> to choose a completion option
  • <C-y> to paste a picked completion


You can set these properties on your coc-settings.json file to customize behavior.

Property Description Default value
emmet.showExpandedAbbreviation Shows expanded Emmet abbreviations as suggestions. "always"
emmet.showAbbreviationSuggestions Shows possible Emmet abbreviations as suggestions. Not applicable in stylesheets or when emmet.showExpandedAbbreviation is "never". true
emmet.includeLanguages Enable Emmet abbreviations in languages that are not supported by default. Add a mapping here between the language and Emmet supported language. E.g.: {"vue-html": "html", "javascript": "javascriptreact"} {}
emmet.variables Variables to be used in Emmet snippets {}
emmet.syntaxProfiles Define profile for specified syntax or use your own profile with specific rules. {}
emmet.excludeLanguages An array of languages where Emmet abbreviations should not be expanded. ["markdown"]
emmet.extensionsPath Path to a folder containing Emmet profiles and snippets. null
emmet.showSuggestionsAsSnippets Show Emmet completion items as snippet kind. true
emmet.optimizeStylesheetParsing When set to false, the whole file is parsed to determine if current position is valid for expanding Emmet abbreviations. When set to true, only the content around the current position in CSS/SCSS/Less files is parsed. true
emmet.priority Priority of Emmet completion source, change to 100 for higher priority than languageserver. 3
emmet.preferences Preferences used to modify behavior of some actions and resolvers of Emmet. {}