This project acts as a POC for a task I needed at work but also takes the idea of a course I took as CompSci Honours where they used a base64 encoder/decoder instead.
- DEV: Start with a simple function. We will calculate the Nth prime number.
- DEV: Now wrap it in an API to make it accessible across a network as a server
- TEST: Write some tests for it.
- DEV: The API should exploit all the CPU parallelism that it can with workers
- TEST: Write tests for the API
- DEV: Package it up for Deployment via a container
- TEST: Write integration tests to test the container
- DEV: We want the container to be orchestrated with Kubernetes for better fault tolerance and sit behind an API gateway.
- TEST: Write integration tests to test our service through the API gateway that multiple instances load balance the work.
- DEV: Deploy it to a cloud provider and configure autoscaling of resources
- TEST: Test our service prvisions more resources under load and cleans up unused resources.
brew install awscli aws-iam-authenticator eksctl telepresence
git clone
cd does-it-scale
npm i
npm t
You will also need to install some other tools:
brew install datawire/blackbird/telepresence
brew install kubectl eksctl aws-cli
You will also need to create a .env
file with the following content:
export ECR_HOST=<your ECR host here>
export ECR_REGION=us-west-2
export ECR=$ECR_HOST/<your_repository_name>
To get this information you'll want to follow the Creating an ECR Repository Userguide.
npm t
This unit tests the function as well as the Express HTTP server by using supertest
npm run dkr-start
npm run dkr-test
npm run dkr-stop
This builds our server as a docker image and starts it up on port 3000.
We then use supertest
by passing a URL instead of an Express instance.
Finally we clean up by stopping the container.
npm run k8s-start
npm run k8s-test
npm run k8s-stop
It is at this point I highly recommend using Lens as a desktop application to visualise what is happening in your local k8s context.
This will use kubectl
to apply the definitions under k8s/common
. This creates the API gateway and Ingress rules for Ambassador.
It will also apply k8s/local/api.yml
which is a docker-desktop
friendly definition of our service.
For testing to work we will use telepresence
. Unlike Docker, a local kubernetes environment is not so simple to forward a port to our host machine.
Telepresence will create a docker container in your Docker VM, it will also create a matching Pod inside our Kubernetes context. These two are a VPN into our cluster.
The end result is we can reuse our API test suite from Docker Container and use k8s internal DNS to use the service name as the URL.
Finally we tear it all down in the correct order.
You will need a .env
file as described in Quickstart.
npm run ecr-login
npm run docker-build
npm run docker-push
Now our image is available on ECR for EKS to pull in as part of our build definition.
# WARNING This step takes about 20 minutes.
npm run eks-start-cluster
# WARNING This step takes about 20 minutes.
This step uses eks/cluster-managed.yml
definition of EKS resources for the eksctl
CLI tool to setup our cluster.
export EKS_IAM_ROLE=$(npm run --silent eks-iam-get-role)
aws iam put-role-policy \
--role-name $EKS_IAM_ROLE \
--policy-name eks-autoscaler \
--policy-document file://iam/iam-cluster-autoscaler-servicerole-policy.json
export EKS_IAM_SERVICE_ROLE=$(npm run --silent eks-iam-get-service-role)
aws iam put-role-policy \
--role-name $EKS_IAM_SERVICE_ROLE \
--policy-name eks-autoscaler \
--policy-document file://iam/iam-cluster-autoscaler-servicerole-policy.json
To tidy it up later:
aws iam delete-role-policy \
--role-name $EKS_IAM_ROLE \
--policy-name eks-autoscaler
aws iam delete-role-policy \
--role-name $EKS_IAM_SERVICE_ROLE \
--policy-name eks-autoscaler
npm run eks-start-common
npm run eks-start-cloud
These will deploy our definitions.
npm run eks-test
Finally.... this reuses our API test from Docker Container and we should see pod autoscaling and node auto scaling.
The metrics-server
for pod autoscaling monitors metrics on a 5s interval but will invoke scaling actions every 30s if necessary but can take 1-5 minutes to scale down as it prefers to keep pods warm rather than aggresively scaling down.
The cluster-auto-scaler
needs special privileges for it's service account to scan the EC2 resources and schedule node scaling. It can take 10 minutes to naturally cool off and scale down a node as it
prefers to keep it warm long enough to receive subsequent spikes of resource use.
Recap: quick scale up, slow to scale down to keep resources warm jsut in case.
npm run eks-stop-cloud
npm run eks-stop-common
aws iam delete-role-policy \
--role-name $EKS_IAM_ROLE \
--policy-name eks-autoscaler
Tear down our definitions.
# This can take 10 minutes to tear down.
npm run eks-stop-cluster
Clean up insfrastructure resources.
aws sts get-caller-identity
"UserId": "AKIA999999999999999",
"Account": "111111111111",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:user/my_service_account_user
aws eks list-clusters --region us-west-2
"clusters": [
aws eks --region us-west-2 update-kubeconfig --name mycluster
- InfluxData: Intro to Kubernetes -