Meta tag information for django CMS 3 pages
Python: 3.9, 3.10, 3.11
Django: 3.2, 4.1, 4.2
django CMS: 3.9, 3.11
A working django CMS environment is required for djangocms-page-meta to work. Refer to django CMS documentation for how to install and configure django CMS.
Install djangocms-page-meta:
$ pip install djangocms-page-meta
or from the repository:
pip install -e git+
Then add it to INSTALLED_APPS along with its dependencies:
"filer", "meta", "easy_thumbnails", "djangocms_page_meta",
Migrate the database:
$ python migrate
See usage and configuration section in the documentation.
That's all!
Enabling this will hide django CMS own Meta description field to keep all the meta information in the same part of the interface. If the django CMS field is set, it will still be shown (and used by djangocms-page-meta).
django-app-enabler is supported.
You can either
- Installation & configuration:
python -mapp_enabler install djangocms-page-meta
- Autoconfiguration:
python -mapp_enabler enable djangocms_page_meta
Fully using this package will require some template changes that cannot be modified by django-app-enabler
- Load template tag in the page like outlined in usage page;
- Run migrations:
python migrate
Check usage documentation for details.
For package documentation see