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@mobileoverlord mobileoverlord released this 24 Jan 20:27
· 908 commits to main since this release
  • Update Notes

Upgrade guide

Starting in Nerves v0.9.0, artifacts will no longer be fetched during
mix compile. Artifact archives are intended to be fetched following mix deps.get.
To handle this, you will need to update your installed version of nerves_bootstrap by
calling mix local.nerves. After updating nerves_bootstrap, you should update
your mix.exs file to add the new required mix aliases found there. A helper
function is available named Nerves.Bootstrap.add_aliases that you can pipe your
existing aliases to like this:

  defp aliases(_target) do
      # Add custom mix aliases here
    |> Nerves.Bootstrap.add_aliases()

Also, update your nerves dependency to:

{:nerves, "~> 0.9", runtime: false}

  • API Changes

    • Moved Nerves.Package.Providers to Nerves.Artifact.Providers
    • Moved Nerves.Package.Providers.HTTP to Nerves.Artifact.Resolver
    • Nerves.Artifact.Resolver no longer implements the
      Nerves.Artifact.Provider behaviour.
  • Enhancements

    • Added Mix task nerves.artifact.get. Use to fetch the artifact archive from an
      artifact_url location. Once downloaded its checksum will be checked against
      artifact_checksum from the nerves_package config in mix.exs. The Mix task
      nerves.deps.get will recursively call nerves.artifact.get to fetch archives.

    • Added Mix task nerves.artifact.archive. This task will produce the
      artifact archive and artifact checksum file which are used when calling

    • Nerves packages can override the Provider in the nerves_package config
      in mix.exs using the keys provider and provider_opts. This is
      useful to force a package to build using a specific provider like
      Nerves.Artifact.Providers.Docker. See the package configuration docs
      for more information.

    • Added artifact_sites to the nerves_package config. Artifact sites
      are helpers that are useful for cleanly specifying locations where artifacts
      can be fetched. If you are hosting your artifacts using Github relases
      you can specify it like this:

      artifact_sites: [
        {:github_releases, "orginization/project"}

      You can also specify your own custom server location by using the :prefix
      helper by passing a url or file path:

      artifact_sites: [
        {:prefix, "/path/to/artifacts"},
        {:prefix, ""}

      Artifact sites will be tried in order until one successfully downloads the

  • Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue with Nerves.Utils.HTTPResolver crashing when missing the
      content-disposition and content-length headers.
    • Run integrity check on tar files to validate they are not corrupted on