The offical open sourced GitHub repo for nodectl has moved
Thank you for all your support
TestNet 2.0 Node Operators please refer to the TestNet section at the end of this readme.
usage: sudo nodectl [ help [-h], [-p] <profile_name>, status [-s], start, stop,
leave, join, health, sec, price, show_node_states [-sns],
count, find, peers, whoami, list, change-ssh-port <port>
check_connection [-cc], check_source_connection [-csc],
reboot, send_logs [-sl], version [-v], check_versions [-cv],
clear_logs [-cls], clear_uploads [-cul],
install, upgrade, upgrade-nodectl, auto_restart [<disable> <check_pid> ]
sudo nodectl status -p <profile_name>
sudo nodectl start -p <profile_name>
sudo nodectl stop -p <profile_name>
sudo nodectl leave -p <profile_name>
sudo nodectl restart -p <profile_name>
sudo nodectl count -p <profile_name>
sudo nodectl find -p <profile_name> [self | -s <source>] [ -d <destination>]
sudo nodectl check_source_connection -p <profile_name> | help
sudo nodectl check_connection -p <profile_name> [source] [destination]
sudo nodectl clear_files -t [ logs | backups | uploads ]
Mobile friendly CLI options:
upgrade | upgrade Tessellation version
install | install Tessellation - Turn your bare metal or
VPS into a Validator Node
-h help | show this menu
-v version | show version of nodectl
-cv check_versions | show versions current and latest
versions of nodectl and Tessellation
and whether they match
-s status | - show the state of the Node's service
- show if the node has properly joined
the Constellation Tessellation TestNet
- show the current TestNet Tessellation
version running on your system
- show latest version of Tessellation
detected on the network.
- show the current nodectl version
- show the current cluster session verses node session
- if the sessions do not match, the node is not connected
properly. Even if the Node is in Ready State, this does
NOT mean the Node is connected to the network.
States: Initial, ReadyToJoin, StartingSession,SessionStarted,
-p | - required parameter for several commands
issue the -p with the name of the profile
following the -p flag
Requires -p:
- status
- start
- stop
- restart
- slow_restart
- restart_only
- join
- leave
- count
- find
- peers
- check_connection
- check_source_connection
start | - start node services on Node
stop | - stop node services on Node
join | - join the testnet 2.0 network
leave | - force node to leave cluster
count | - count number of peers seen on the network
and if your system is seen (true/false)
find | - Is my IP address found on the network
if an ip address <x.x.x.x> is supplied
the system will lookup that IP address
entered to determine if it is found on
the network
peers | - show a list of all IP addresses found
on the network.
list | - show a list of all the profiles
currently available on this version
of nodectl.
log <type> <grep> -f | - show logs for requested log type
types = - nodectl
- app
- http
grep = grep on word
-f follow (ctrl-c to break out)
To show the nodectl log and grep out the "join" with
a follow
nodectl log nodectl join -f
whoami | - show your system's external ip
id | - show your system's node id address
nodeid | - show your system's node id address
export_private_key | - show your p12's private key
restart | - restart node services on Node and join
restart_only | - restart node services on Node but don't join.
-csl check_seedlist | - check the seed list access to see if
your nodeid is present on the seed list
-usl update_seedlist | - update the local copy of the seed list
-sr slow_restart | - restart the node with a 600 second delay to
make sure it is fully off the network in the
event you are seeing connection issues or other
reboot | - acts exactly same as a distribution reboot; however, this command
will make sure the Node software does a clean 'leave' to leave
the network prior to rebooting the system.
-rc reset_cache | - clear out the snapshot cache directory
* this should only be done by advanced users during
troubleshooting or genesis block creation! *
-cls clear_logs | - clear logs older than 7 or 30 days, or all logs
-cul clear_uploads | - clear uploads directory older than 7 or 30 days, or all logs
-csc check_source_connection | - checks the debug api for peer on both the
node that the edge initially joined to
and the edge node and reports back status
-cc check_connection | - checks the debug api for peer against
the entire network (state channel) you are
connected to and report back status
EN = Edge Node --> Your Node
SN = Source Node --> Node you joined to when
you created to Join the State Channel.
This command will use compare the Nodes (Peers)
that the EN sees verses the Nodes (Peers) the
SN sees. Both should see the same Peers.
-sns show_node_state | - show a list of known Node states
upgrade_nodectl | - upgrade nodectl to latest version
disable_root_ssh | - have nodectl restrict access to your root user
enable_root_ssh | - have nodectl re-enable access to your root user
change_ssh_port <port> | - change the port number used to access your
Node via the SSH protocol. The port number
should be between 1024 and 65535. Please be
careful not to use a port already in use or
that might be used by the Node for various
API access. Default well known port = 22
-sl send_logs | - create a tarball of your log files for diagnosis
will offer option to upload for the developers
to access va
file name = <your-node-ip-address>_logs.tar.gz
auto_restart <disable> <check_pid> | Starts a background nodectl service that will
keep an eye on the network and restart your
services if they go offline.
auto_restart disable - turns this service off
auto_restart check_pid - checks if it is running
health | - show basic health elements of your Node
- show the current 15 minute CPU load and
- show the disk usage of your system's
main storage volume
- show the uptime in days with
- show Memory of your system and if
- show the Swap Drive or your system and
sec | - show basic security statistics
- show how many log errors were identified
through all the logs
- show a count of access attempts
that were denied
- show how many times an entity attempted
to access your system multiple times
before being blocked via system default
- show the TCP port range that the entity
attempted access between
price | Do a quick lookup for Crypto prices
currently: Constellation Network,
Lattice Exchange,
Quant Network
market | Do a lookup on the top 10 market
makers in the Crypto industry and
print out brief report. Note: If
Constellation Network is not in the
top 10 at the current moment in time
it will be added to the report in its
current position.