Steering the key/door knob with the might of stepper motors. See the Wiki (german) for more details and an overview.
This is forked from
The firmware written in C++ is here.
- control stepper motor with Trinamic IC
- hall encoder connection to get current motor state
- read motor temperature
- CAN peripherie (dedicated PCB)
- power rails are secured by two fuses, with reverse polarity/overvoltage protection
- drive syncronous addressable LEDs
- get states from door and lock
- connection to two buttons to open/close door
- switch on/off Nerdstern (outdoor lamp)
- Mosfet Q1 has wrong connections for choosen part. Gate and Source are swapped.
- can be solved by simply solder the part upside down
- the LQFP32 package of STM32G0B1KE doesn't support HSE connection
- the internal HSI is used