Reskit (researcher’s kit) is a library for creating and curating reproducible
pipelines for scientific and industrial machine learning. The natural extension
of the scikit-learn
Pipelines to general classes of pipelines, Reskit
allows for the efficient and transparent optimization of each pipeline step.
Main features include data caching, compatibility with most of the scikit-learn
objects, optimization constraints (e.g. forbidden combinations), and table
generation for quality metrics. Reskit also allows for the injection of custom
metrics into the underlying scikit frameworks. Reskit is intended for use by
researchers who need pipelines amenable to versioning and reproducibility, yet
who also have a large volume of experiments to run.
Ability to combine pipelines with an equal number of steps in list of experiments, running them and returning results in a convenient format for human consumption (Pandas dataframe).
Step caching. Standard SciKit-learn pipelines cannot cache temporary steps. Reskit includes the option to save fixed steps, so in next pipeline specified steps won’t be recalculated.
Forbidden combination constraints. Not all possible combinations of pipelines are viable or meaningfully different. For example, in a classification task comparing the performance of logistic regression and decision trees the former requires feature scaling while the latter may not. In this case you can block the unnecessary pair. Reskit supports general tuple blocking as well.
Full compatibility with scikit-learn objects. Reskit can use any scikit-learn data transforming object and/or predictive model, and assumably many other libraries that uses the scikit template.
Evaluation of multiple performance metrics simultaneously. Evaluation is simply another step in the pipeline, so we can specify a number of possible evaluation metrics and Reskit will expand out the computations for each metric for each pipeline.
The DataTransformer class, which is Reskit’s simplfied interface for specifying fit/transform methods in pipeline steps. A DataTransformer subclass need only specify one function.
Tools for learning on graphs. Due to our original motivations Reskit includes a number of operations for network data. In particular, it allows a variety of normalization choices foradjacency matrices , as well as built in local graph metric calculations. These were implemented using DataTransformer and in some cases the BCTpy (the Brain Connectivity Toolbox python version)
The documentation includes detailed tutorial, but for a quick view, we provide for you an example.
Let's say we want to prepare data and try some scalers and classifiers for prediction in a classification problem. We will tune paramaters of classifiers by grid search technique.
Data preparing:
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
X, y = make_classification()
Setting steps for our pipelines and parameters for grid search:
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.svm import SVC
scalers = [
('minmax', MinMaxScaler()),
('standard', StandardScaler())
classifiers = [
('LR', LogisticRegression()),
('SVC', SVC())
steps = [
('Scaler', scalers),
('Classifier', classifiers)
param_grid = {
'LR' : {
'penalty' : ['l1', 'l2']},
'SVC' : {
'kernel' : ['linear', 'poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid']}}
Setting a cross-validation for grid searching of hyperparameters and for evaluation of models with obtained hyperparameters.
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
grid_cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=0)
eval_cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=1)
Creating a plan of our research:
pipeliner = Pipeliner(steps=steps, grid_cv=grid_cv, eval_cv=eval_cv, param_grid=param_grid)
scaler | classifier | |
0 | standard | LR |
1 | standard | SVC |
2 | minmax | LR |
3 | minmax | SVC |
To tune parameters of models and evaluate this models, run:
pipeliner.get_results(X, y, scoring='roc_auc')
Line: 1/4
Line: 2/4
Line: 3/4
Line: 4/4
scaler | classifier | grid_roc_auc_mean | grid_roc_auc_std | grid_roc_auc_best_params | eval_roc_auc_mean | eval_roc_auc_std | eval_roc_auc_scores | |
0 | standard | LR | 0.956 | 0.0338230690506 | {'penalty': 'l1'} | 0.968 | 0.0324961536185 | [ 0.92 1. 1. 0.94 0.98] |
1 | standard | SVC | 0.962 | 0.0278567765544 | {'kernel': 'poly'} | 0.976 | 0.0300665927567 | [ 0.95 1. 1. 0.93 1. ] |
2 | minmax | LR | 0.964 | 0.0412795348811 | {'penalty': 'l1'} | 0.966 | 0.0377359245282 | [ 0.92 1. 1. 0.92 0.99] |
3 | minmax | SVC | 0.958 | 0.0411825205639 | {'kernel': 'rbf'} | 0.962 | 0.0401995024845 | [ 0.93 1. 1. 0.9 0.98] |
Reskit currently requires Python 3.4
or later to run. Please install
and pip
via the package manager of your operating system if it
is not included already.
Reskit depends on:
If you don't want to use graph metrics, you should to comment scipy
and networkx
in requirements.txt
To install dependencies run next command:
pip install -r
Last stable version is 0.1.0. You can install it via:
pip3 install -U
To install the latest development version of Reskit, run the following commands:
pip install -U
If you just want to try Reskit or don’t want to install Python, you can build docker image and make all reskit’s stuff there. Also, in this case, you can provide the simple way to reproduce your experiment. To run Reskit in docker you can use next commands.
Clone repository:
git clone cd reskit
Build docker image:
docker build -t docker-reskit -f Dockerfile .
Run docker image.
If you want to run bash in container:
docker run -it docker-reskit bash
If you want to run bash in container with shared directory:
docker run -v $PWD/scripts:/reskit/scripts -it docker-reskit bash
If you want to start Jupyter Notebook server at http://localhost:8809 in container:
docker run -v $PWD/scripts:/reskit/scripts -it -p 8809:8809 docker-reskit jupyter notebook --no-browser --ip="*" --allow-root --port 8809
You will see message:
Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time, to login with a token: http://localhost:8809/?token=some_token