A comparison of two SGP4 implementations in different configurations:
: the Celestrak implementation [1] in improved modecpp-afspc
: the Celestrak implementation [1] in AFSPC compatibility modecpp-fastmath
: the Celestrak implementation [1] in improved mode with thefast-math
compiler flagcpp-afspc-fastmath
: the Celestrak implementation [1] in AFSPC compatibility mode with thefast-math
compiler flagrust
: our Rust implementation in default moderust-afspc
: our Rust implementation in AFSPC compatibility mode
The Rust implementation can be found at https://github.com/neuromorphicsystems/sgp4.
- Rust - https://rustup.rs
- Meson - https://mesonbuild.com
The C++ and Rust implementations will be built when either benchmark (accuracy or speed) is run for the first time.
Accuracy measures the maximum propagation error of each implementation with respect to the reference implementation (cpp-afspc
) over the full Celestrak catalogue (1 minute timestep over 24 hours).
Results are printed in the terminal.
To run the accuracy benchmark, use the command:
cargo run --release --bin accuracy
Speed measures the time it takes to propagate every satellite in the Celestrak catalogue (1 minute timestep over 24 hours) using a single thread. 100 values are sampled per implementation.
Results are saved in results.json
upon completion (values are in μs).
To run the speed benchmark, use the command:
cargo run --release --bin speed
You can download a more recent satellite catalogue (omms.json) by running:
cargo run --release --bin download
This repository provides a catalogue downloaded on 2020-07-13. Keeping the same catalogue over time is required to evaluate the impact of implementation changes on accurracy and speed.
[1] David A. Vallado, Paul Crawford, R. S. Hujsak and T. S. Kelso, "Revisiting Spacetrack Report #3", presented at the AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Keystone, CO, 2006 August 21–24, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2006-6753