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New Relic Capture Build Size

GitHub Marketplace version

A GitHub Action to capture a New Relic event describing your build size metrics.


Key Required Default Description
analysis-file-contents If analysis-type is not manual and no analysis-file-url values are supplied - Build analysis file contents -- Takes precendence over analysis-file-url when both are supplied.
analysis-file-url If analysis-type is not manual and no analysis-file-contents values are supplied - Public URL to the analysis file - When supplied without the analysis-file-contents, the action will fetch the file contents from the URL. It will decorate all events created with a link to the uploaded asset.
analysis-type **If using manual-* values, must be manual webpack Type of analysis file to parse. Please note: webpack assumes the file supplied was generated using webpack-bundle-analyzer
commit - github.sha Commit identifier of the build
event-type - BuildSize Type of event to be captured
file-name-filter - - When supplied, will only include entrypoint file names that include the given substring - When undefined, will include everything in the analysis file
manual-analysis-file-name If analysis-type is manual - Manually supply the file name of your build - Takes precendence over analysis-file-contents and analysis-file-url when supplied. Only works if analysis-type is "manual"
manual-analysis-file-size If analysis-type is manual - Manually supply the file name of your build - Takes precendence over analysis-file-contents and analysis-file-url when supplied. Only works if analysis-type is "manual"
manual-analysis-gzip-size If analysis-type is manual - Manually supply the file name of your build - Takes precendence over analysis-file-contents and analysis-file-url when supplied. Only works if analysis-type is "manual"
nr-account-id Always - New Relic Account ID to be used to capture events
nr-api-key Always - New Relic API key to be used to capture events
nr-env - US NR Environment to be used to capture events. Valid values are US. EU to be supported in the future
traverse - false When true, will traverse all subtrees and capture events for each item. Currently only supports webpack analysis type.
trigger - github.workflow Trigger of the capturing the build size. Can be useful if you have differing reasons or jobs for capturing the build size across your repository.
user - User who triggered the build
version - github.ref_name Version of the build

Example usage

GitHub secrets

Github secrets assumed to be set:

  • NEW_RELIC_API_KEY - New Relic API key
  • NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID - New Relic Account ID

There are a number of default GitHub environment variables that are used in these examples as well.

Minimum required fields - analysis-file-url

name: Capture Build Size With New Relic

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Report Webpack Stats To New Relic
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      # This step parses the build stats (URL) and creates NR events
      - name: Capture Build Size
        uses: newrelic/[email protected]
          nr-account-id: ${{ secrets.NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID }}
          nr-api-key: ${{ secrets.NEW_RELIC_API_KEY }}

Minimum required fields - analysis-file-contents

name: Capture Build Size With New Relic

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Report Webpack Stats To New Relic
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      # This step builds the code (and includes the webpack-bundle-analyzer)
      - name: Build 
        run: npm run build
      # This step reads the locally made stats file (assuming to be located in "./build")
      - name: Get local stats file
        id: get-stats
        shell: bash
        run: |
            stats=$(cat ./build/mybuild.stats.json); echo "stats=$stats" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT;
      # This step parses the Build stats (file) and creates NR events
      - name: Capture Build Size
        uses: newrelic/[email protected]
          analysis-file-contents: ${{ steps.get-stats.output.stats }}
          nr-account-id: ${{ secrets.NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID }}
          nr-api-key: ${{ secrets.NEW_RELIC_API_KEY }}

Minimum required fields - manual-*

name: Capture Build Size With New Relic

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Report Webpack Stats To New Relic
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      # This step builds the code
      - name: Build 
        run: npm run build
      # This step parses the Build stats (file) and creates NR events
      - name: Capture Build Size
        uses: newrelic/[email protected]
          analysis-type: 'manual'
          manual-analysis-file-name: 'main-Build' # the file name to report
          manual-analysis-file-size: 12345 # Some value calculated manually
          nr-account-id: ${{ secrets.NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID }}in your build steps that does not rely on an explicit analysis file like webpack-build-analyzer 
          nr-api-key: ${{ secrets.NEW_RELIC_API_KEY }}

All input fields example - analysis-file-url

name: Capture Build Size With New Relic
  pull_request: # run on pull request sync events

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Report Webpack Stats To New Relic
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      # This step parses the Build stats (URL) and creates NR events
      - name: Capture Build Size
        uses: newrelic/[email protected]
          analysis-file-url: # the webpack stats file URL
          analysis-type: 'webpack' # parse a webpack stats file
          commit: ${{ github.sha }} # the commit that triggered the action
          event-type: 'MyBuildSize' # report the event with a custom event type
          file-name-filter: '.min.js' # only include entrypoints that are minified
          nr-account-id: ${{ secrets.NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID }} # US environment account
          nr-api-key: ${{ secrets.NEW_RELIC_API_KEY }} # US environment api key
          nr-env: 'US' # US environment
          traverse: true # Will create events for each sub-file in the analysis file
          trigger: 'PR' # Indicate the build was tied to a PR 
          user: ${{ }} # the user who raised the PR
          version: ${{ github.ref_name }} # the PR number tied to the action

Query Your Data

Basic Query Steps

  1. In NR1, log into the account you pointed the action to report to.
  2. Select "Query your data"
  3. Run the given NRQL query

Attributes Potentially Available

  • "analysisFileUrl"
  • "analysisType"
  • "commit"
  • "entryPoint"
  • "fileName"
  • "fileSize"
  • "gzipSize"
  • "isInitialEntrypoint"
  • "timestamp"
  • "trigger"
  • "user"
  • "version"

Track Webpack Entrypoint Sizes Over Time

This example assumes you are collecting BuildSize events every time your main branch changes

FROM BuildSize select latest(fileSize)/1000 as 'KB' where isInitialEntrypoint where version = 'main' facet fileName timeseries since 1 week ago

Track Webpack Async Chunk Sizes Over Time

This example assumes you are collecting BuildSize events every time your main branch changes

FROM BuildSize select latest(fileSize)/1000 as 'KB' where isInitialEntrypoint is not true where version = 'main' facet fileName timeseries since 1 week ago

Compare Build Sizes Across PRs

This examples assumes you are collecting BuildSize events every time your main branch changes as well as when a PR is created/updated. Each PR BuildSize will have a version attribute matching its PR number.

FROM BuildSize select latest(fileSize)/1000 as 'KB', latest(gzipSize)/1000 as 'GZIP KB', latest(timestamp), latest(commit) as 'SHA' where fileName = <file name> facet version

Evaluate deviation across PRs

This examples assumes you are collecting BuildSize events every time your main branch changes as well as when a PR is created/updated. Each PR BuildSize will have a version attribute matching its PR number.

FROM BuildSize select stddev(fileSize)/1000 as 'Stddev KB' where fileName = <file name> facet version

Evaluate builds created by a user

This examples assumes you are collecting BuildSize events every time your main branch changes as well as when a PR is created/updated. Each PR BuildSize will have a version attribute matching its PR number.

FROM BuildSize select latest(fileSize)/1000 as 'KB', latest(gzipSize)/1000 as 'GZIP KB', latest(timestamp), latest(commit) as 'SHA' where fileName = <file name> and user = <user id> facet version