Bootstrapping and testing Elexis took me (Niklaus) many hours when I started working on Elexis.
Therefore I was always looking for clever shortcuts to create a simple, reproducible build environment.
With this project I am coming much closer!
Preparing the 0.1 release took me a few days of work and confronted me (again) with all the small, pesky details I had to overcome to run my Jenkins CI under The readme is found as readme.v1.textile.
With version 0.2 is a complete rewrite using the facilities offered by Puppet 3.0. Also it is already much closer to my ideas from the Elexis-Admin project.
Useage, questions, examples are beeing maintained in the Wiki
By default I only actived the node “devel” in the Vagrantfile in the variable systemsToBoot. Therefore a vagrant up
will just bring up a single machine where developers. In the Vagrantfile you find also a number of ports which you can use to access the different services offered by the virtual machine.
- Login via as user vagrant with password vagrant. The vagrant user has (via sudo) all rights.
- Several users (you must the password first via
sudo passwd myUser
). E.g.
bq. grep rgw /etc/passwd
rgw:x:1201:1201:Without him there would be no Elexis. Thanks a lot!:/home/rgw:/bin/bash
- Juno under /opt/eclipse/eclipse-rcp-juno-SR2/eclipse/ and the Debian Eclipse-RCP via /usr/bin/eclipse
- Jubula /opt/jubula_6.0.01011
- elexis-bootstrap under /home/elexis/elexis-bootstrap
- jenkins (no jobs defined)
- Latex to build all *.tex files
- The Opensource Elexis under /opt/elexis_opensource/2.1.7.rc2
- The Medelexis variant under /opt/elexis/current
- A mysql-server accessible via
mysql -u elexis --password=elexisTest
. Also accessible via network. - A postgresql-server
psql -U elexis --password -h localhost
- Both database servers have two empty databases elexis and test to play with.
- If you know how to patch hieradata/common.yaml you may customize sending e-mal via smtp.
Feature only for server/database and with correct configuration
- Minimal support for the elexis-cockpit
- Daily backup of elexis database
- X2go-server
The virtual machines are all connect to the local network via a bridge interface. Therefore a VM node server can be seen by all other machines around to test Elexis even easier.
From Best Practices
The classes, defined types, and plugins in a module should all be related, and the module should aim to be as self-contained as possible.
I also created for each (mini-) feature a file .pp in the tests folders of the module. This allows me to test/debug a feature like this.
cd /path/to/checkout
@sudo puppet apply --confdir . modules/x2go/tests/client.pp --debug
Test the module java on a machine where you have a working copy of this project, just call (in your own development environemnt):
cd /path/to/checkout
vagrant provision
cd /path/to/checkout
vagrant ssh
sudo puppet apply --modulepath /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-0 /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-0/java/tests/init.pp --debug
- See Git-Tools
- Common usage
- If you make changes or add a new module, fork the original module into your github account, then
git submodule add<yourname>/puppet-x2go modules/x2go
- To ease pushing to your personal github account use
git remote add github git - This enables you to use
cd modules/x2go && git push github
- To update all submodules call
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
See the readme.texile in the subfolder definitions. This was used to create the which can be downloaded
To distinguish between the various scenarios we use puppet environemnts. The following environemnts are predefined here
- empty # minimal build
- demoDB # create an elexis OpenSource installation with a demo database for playing
- developer # create a developer environment (eclipse-IDE, mysql, postgres DB-Servers)
- mustermann # a typical scenario for a medical practice
The configuration of each of these scenarios is kept as a hiera yaml file named hieradata//.yaml. To made it usable for the production scenario I add usually a soft link from .yaml to production.yaml.
The mustermann scenarios has some additional configuration for its main server under hieradata/mustermann/
When I have a new client client a usually create a configuration directory (e.g. a git repository /opt/clients/musterfrau/configuration) and create a logical link to it as hieradata/mustefrau.
On each of the machines to provision of my client I will create a clone of the configuration and link hieradata/production to it.
Using such a scenario is done add —environement=scenario to the puppet command line argument.
- Integrate changes/suggestion to make the project interesting for more developpers (let it fullfill theirs and my requirements). I started with my requirements but I will happy to help others to try to find a solution which works fine for everybody!
Coming soon (aka prototypes exist and worked almost):
- Backups/Restore Database from server/backup
- Installation of Beta release
- install elexis versions correctly, via apt or Elexis-installer (resolved for Linux, missing for Samba/Windows-Clients)
- Postgres Online Backup
- Add LibreOffice to test elexis text plugins
- Setup mail-delivery/archiving
- Daily backup onto an encrypted external hard disk
- netboot
Probably for Release 0.3
- Add support for Elexis client testing under MacOSX
- Support 32-bit and 64-bit Jubula GUI-tests in the Jenkins
- Minimal setup for a medical practice (DB & backup)
- include to for a simple way configure the system
To be determined
- Full support PostgresSQL
- Investigate, decide/document how different developpers/OC may refine/add files/requirements
- Adapt KDE to match some preferences (e.g. keyboard layout, tabs for the konsole application)
- Support several javas (e.g. Sun-Java-6, OpenJDK-6, OpenJDK-7)
- backup and anonymiser scripts/setup for MySQL/PostgresSQL, e.g.
- os/db-user elexis (dito Arztx, MPAx,oc)
- Deutsch als Vorgabesprache (veewee with elexisBaseBox passes validation, but cannot be used)
- Merge project with elexis-admin
- Have at least 2 additional developpers using at least a part of the puppet stuff
- Have at least 5 beta installation in medical practices
- Specify specific version of jenkins and its plugins
The following services should be moved to docker containers
- elexis-cockpit
- mysql/postgresql server
- wiki
- Add support for Elexis client testing under Windows (Puppet has only initial support for windows)
- Release 0.2: April 25, 2013. Support server and backup (still some features mixing). Compiling the elexis-bootstrap project with Elexis 2.1.7
- Release 0.1: July 15, 2012. Runs Jubula integration tests with Elexis 2.1.6 on a Debian Squeeze 32-bit machine
Ideas/comments are welcome. Use the elexis-develop mailing list or contact the author directly via [email protected]