I'm Tina, a Software Developer student at 42 Lisboa 👩💻
Let's connect—feel free to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions about my projects! 😇
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miniRT (IN PROGRESS) - MiniRT is a ray tracer that simulates light interacting with shapes and materials to create 3D images.
MINISHELL - This project involves creating a shell and required teamwork with another student from 42
PHILOSOPHERS - The project implements a multi-threaded solution to the classic dining philosophers problem.
FRACT-OL - This project combines the complexity of complex numbers and computer graphics
MINITALK - The goal of "minitalk" is creating a client-server program that communicates using UNIX signals
PUSH_SWAP - Making this program helps to learn about algorithms, data structures, and optimization techniques
FT_PRINTF - A project that aims to mimic the behavior of the standard "printf" function
GET_NEXT_LINE - The get_next_line function reads from a file descriptor and returns the next line of text
LIBFT - Recreation a subset of standard C library functions
CPP02 (IN PROGRESS) - The project involves ad-hoc polymorphism, operator overloading, canonical class form, and vector calculations
CPP01 - This module taught me how to use memory allocation, pointers to members,
references, switch statement
CPP00 - My first exercises in C++ learning: namespaces, classes, member functions, stdio streams, initialization lists, static, const, ands other basic concepts
BEGINNER EXERCISES - freeCodeCamp - Beginner exercises in Python by freeCodeCamp.
BEGINNER EXERCISES - Youtube - I have collected some basic exercises written in Python, which provide a perfect foundation.
Data and SQL - Coding Kickstarter - Beginner exercises in SQL by CFG, Code First Girls.