First thing is making your search in the upper navigation bar: results appears in a grid of at most 3 videos a line.
You can now select:
- play a video by clicking on the thumbnail
- read the description by clicking on the video's title
- add this video to your playlist
Once a video is selected, commands will be available.
- Stop/Play: usual usage
- Repeat mode: [ None | Single song | Playlist ]
- Previous/Next song: if current video is not in playlist, next and previous will be the first one of it
- Mute/Unmute and sound equalizer
- Video quality: the ones only available for this video (from 144p to 4K)
- Cinema mode: set a dark background when player is maximise
- Maximise/minimise: turn the player to a small tile at the bottom left, player is still usable
- Add to playlist: add the current video at the end of the playlist
Youtube player's buttons and footer ones are synchronized.
A single, anonymous, playlist can be created by a user. Its state is stored on the client (localStorage) browser and is restored at application launch.
- Empty the playlist: it is a one step action and undo is not available
- Remove a video: by clicking the cross on the tile
- Move in playlist: by clicking the up/down arrows on the video
- Select a video: by clicking the tile anywhere else
- angular-cli
- gulp
- gulp-clean
- gulp-rename
- [systemjs-builder] (
Ngtube is a simplified youtube browser application made for Angular attack
- Gatien Bovyn - Astalaseven@github - [email protected]
- Florian Knop - fknop@github - [email protected]
- Simon Placentino - splacentino@github - [email protected]