Made with React, move with arrow keys
A simple implementation of the popular snake game, and my first attempt at building a project from scratch! I was sick of starting projects and never finishing them, or having projects that were too unpolished to put on Github for one reason or another. This was my attempt to change that! Even though there are a ton of problems with it and I didn't take the time to style it or anything, I'm happy I started a project from scratch and finished it. Gotta start somewhere right? Before this I was just taking classes and kind of procrastinating starting a project because it seemed daunting, so I just decided to throw this together and put it out there. Its definitely not my best work, but its a start and now I can take what I learned and make a better project.
- Absolutely should've planned out the structure/vision far more before I started coding. Could've saved a lot of time, and could've focused more on the MVP aspects earlier before getting distracted by stuff that wasn't important.
- I should make more commits when I have a feature done more often, and I should try to get things working before I try and make optimizations.
- Learned a lot about how useEffect works, how React renders components, what I should make as state, etc. I had a pretty surface-level understanding of hooks before but now I think I understand them more clearly.
- Used CSS Grid for the first time.