- Pro
Declarative schema diffing, normalization, validation and manipulation via command line
Setup the PlanetScale CLI for GitHub Actions
A Kubernetes controller for automatically optimizing pod requests based on their continuous usage. VPA alternative that can work with HPA.
A Fetch API-compatible PlanetScale database driver
Blazing fast pagination for ActiveRecord with deferred joins ⚡️
A simple message board for your organization or project
The Cloud Cost Handbook is a free, open-source, community-supported set of guides meant to help explain often-times complex pricing of public cloud infrastructure and service providers in plain eng…
Simple (and safe*) token authentication for Rails apps or API with Devise.
Python Library for the Emporia Vue Energy Monitor
Application: Collect ALL UniFi Controller, Site, Device & Client Data - Export to InfluxDB or Prometheus
ezdapps / backend
Forked from AplaProject/go-aplaA blockchain platform with a simplified programming language. 85% of all tokens will be distributed for free among GitHub users.
Forked from https://bitbucket.org/geekman/mdns-repeater/ (Mercurial).
Prometheus exporter that exposes metrics from a Ubiquiti UniFi Controller and UniFi devices. MIT Licensed.
The official command line interface for the DigitalOcean API.
Vulcan extends Prometheus adding horizontal scalability and long-term storage
The official Go API client for Netbox IPAM and DCIM service.
The premier source of truth powering network automation. Open source under Apache 2. Try NetBox Cloud free: https://netboxlabs.com/free-netbox-cloud/
A tool that starts a DigitalOcean droplet in a given region and runs a given command, displaying the output.